6 Ways Social Media Can Drive eCommerce Sales

To stay competitive in the business world today, it is almost mandatory that you have an online presence. Most people do a bulk of their shopping online, so an eCommerce website is a great investment. Unfortunately, that’s not enough, as…

drive ecommerce sales with social media

To stay competitive in the business world today, it is almost mandatory that you have an online presence. Most people do a bulk of their shopping online, so an eCommerce website is a great investment. Unfortunately, that’s not enough, as you’ll need to find a way to spread the word about your site online. A good social media marketing strategy can do just that.

Educate Customers About What You Have to Offer

Your social media sites are a great way to make your customers aware of all of the products and services that your business offers. Take advantage of your audience by featuring services or products while explaining why your customers should care. Make sure that your content isn’t boring, and instead, use photos, video, and webinars to engage your customers and create interesting conversations.

Don’t Just Sell – Socialize!

Many business owners feel that they are going to use their social media accounts as a constant sales pitch, but this isn’t what your audience is looking for. People who use social media don’t follow or “like” pages to deal with constant solicitations – they are more concerned with social interactions. Sharing knowledge and information can add value to conversations while showing your expertise, and this is a much more authentic and casual way to promote your business.

Advertise eCommerce Deals and Promotionsadvertise deals and promotions

Reward your followers or fans by providing them with exclusive deals, specials, and promos. For example, you could offer your social media followers a coupon that provides a 25% discount on a future product or service.

This will encourage your past customers to continue buying with you, increasing your overall sales on your eCommerce site.

Avoid Controversial Social Encounters

Remember that your social media accounts are a representation of your business, so you should never use them as a sounding board for controversial issues. Your conversations will be public, and there is always a risk of damaging your reputation and brand if you mishandle a customer who is upset. While social interactions that are good-natured can be great for business, rude or inappropriate responses could cause you to lose customers quite quickly.

Build Relationships with Online Influencers

Forming relationships with online influencers who have strong followings can be extremely beneficial for your eCommerce website and your overall sales. Social media influencers can plug your company and brand via their social media channels in order to introduce your products and services to other potential customers. Ultimately, this can save you both time and money while driving your sales upwards.

Make it Easy to Pin and Share Products

If you want to take advantage of online social behaviors, it is crucial that you include social sharing buttons on your online store. Make sure that you have buttons available so that your customers can share content and product pages to their Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter accounts. You should also be sure that the buttons are colorful so that they stand out, improving the number of shares so that new traffic can be driven to your site.


If your business has an eCommerce website and you aren’t taking advantage of social media, you are likely missing out on a ton of business. When used correctly, social media can make a world of difference in your online sales, so add this strategy to your marketing plan today.

Cultura Interactive is a full service, Fort Lauderdale web design and Internet marketing agency that strives to not only create unique and attractive websites, but also helps businesses improve their marketing strategies in a less-complicated way.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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