Why Customer Reviews on Your eCommerce Website Are Essential

Customer reviews and eCommerce website profits go hand in hand. Good reviews are a sign of customer loyalty, and businesses that have a lot of positive reviews tend to grow their revenues twice as fast as their competitors. By understanding…

ecommerce customer reviews

Customer reviews and eCommerce website profits go hand in hand. Good reviews are a sign of customer loyalty, and businesses that have a lot of positive reviews tend to grow their revenues twice as fast as their competitors. By understanding exactly how your business will benefit from customer reviews, you can work on a strategy that will help you to get more of them.

Build Credibility and Trust

According to Bazaar Voice, there is an 82% greater chance of converting potential customers when you have reviews online. Good reviews mean that you are giving your customers what they want, meaning that they can trust you. Also, if you respond to reviews – both positive and negative – you will show your customers that you care about them and their business.

Get a Sales Boost

Online shoppers today rely heavily on customer reviews when they are making a purchasing decision. This information can provide consumers with the facts they are looking for about a product or service, and by hearing about the good experiences of other people just like them, they can be encouraged to buy. People are more likely to make a purchase if a service or product has been recommended by someone else, and this can ultimately increase your profits.

Improved eCommerce Website Rankingsgoogle website ranking

Online reviews can perform an important service for your business by improving your rankings on websites like Yahoo! and Google.

The more information that is written online about your business, the more important these search engine algorithms will consider your company to be.

The Opportunity to Improve

Online reviews can tell you what your customers are happy about, but they can also give you information on what you need to do to improve your service.

This will allow you to provide a better product to your customers and to resolve any issues that they are having quickly. By taking action right away when a customer has a problem, you will provide a positive experience that will likely have them coming back to you in the future.

Low Cost Marketing

Positive reviews can help to promote your business in a way that traditional marketing strategies simply cannot match. They give your eCommerce website a positive image to consumers who might be considering doing business with you, and they will help to create greater brand awareness.

Develop a Closer Relationship with Your Customers

Online review websites will give you the opportunity to develop a close relationship with your customers. Through these forums, you’ll be able to get opinions from a variety of customers, many of whom you might not have heard from otherwise. By staying connected with these customers, you can help to ensure that they will buy from you in the future.


Remember that one of the best ways to start getting positive customer reviews is to provide a great product and exceptional service. While your customers might need a gentle reminder to write a review once in a while, if you are consistently providing a good customer experience, you will likely see positive results.

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