How to Secure Your Online eCommerce Store

When operating an eCommerce store, security should be your number one priority. Customers are often hesitant about giving out their personal information and credit card details online, so it is important that you have security safeguards in place that make…

eCommerce security

When operating an eCommerce store, security should be your number one priority. Customers are often hesitant about giving out their personal information and credit card details online, so it is important that you have security safeguards in place that make them feel confident in your ability to protect them. A breach where customer information is compromised could be detrimental to the future of your business, so use these steps to ensure that your online eCommerce store is secure.

Use Secure Connections for the Online eCommerce Checkout Process

Make sure that you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication for data and Web protection when it comes to your online eCommerce store. SSL certificates will let your customers feel confident in the identity of your business, and they also encrypt data. This will protect your customers from having their important financial information stolen.

Set Up a System to Alert You of Suspicious Activity

If suspicious activity does occur on your eCommerce store, minutes matter. You don’t want to let the threat continue for hours until you notice it, so set an alert notice of suspicious transactions that might come through from a single IP address.

You should also set up system alerts to let you know about multiple orders being placed on different credit cards with the same person and orders where the cardholder name is different from the recipient name.

eCommerce alert system Use a Layered Security Approach

Layering your security is one of the best ways that you can keep your eCommerce site safe. One of the first layers should be a good firewall system, which can stop attacks before they are able to access your network. Added security layers like search queries, login boxes, and contact forms will help to protect your eCommerce site from SQL injections and other attacks at the application level.

Make Your Customers Choose Strong Passwords

Contrary to what your customers might believe, “1234” is not a strong password. It is your responsibility to keep your customer’s information safe on your end, but you can help customers on their side by requiring that they select strong passwords for their online accounts. Many companies require a minimum amount of characters and a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special symbols in order to create a strong password.

Make Sure Your Staff is on the Same Page

Everyone working for your business needs to be on the same page when it comes to online security. This may mean that you have to provide specialized training so that your employees understand that they can never give out private customer information. This is especially true when it comes to email or text correspondence. Make sure that your employees fully understand the policies and laws regarding customer data protection.


You should never take short cuts when it comes to online security, especially when you are dealing with customer information. If you need help with developing a secure online eCommerce store, consider hiring a professional to ensure that your site is protected.

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