Using Animation in UX Design

Are you looking for ways to improve the experience of customers that visit your website? The use of animation is a great way to enhance your user experience design (UXD). Find out how animation can enhance the visitor experience and…

user experience design

Are you looking for ways to improve the experience of customers that visit your website? The use of animation is a great way to enhance your user experience design (UXD). Find out how animation can enhance the visitor experience and why an internet marketing specialist and web designer can be crucial to your success.

Keep Users Interested with Loading Sequencesloading

Animation can keep your website  visitors engaged even before your site loads completely, preventing users from moving on too soon. Even a load time of one second can equate to a 7% loss of conversions, so the use of animation can help to keep your visitors interested while your website loads.

Some of the most successful ways to visually occupy the user in order to hide load times include skeleton screens, multi-part transitions, and loading a page in pieces. Our Internet marketing specialists can help you develop a strategy that will work best for your website.


Enhance User Experience with Video

video content

Adding video content to your website will improve the user experience of your visitors in a variety of ways:

  • Video increases the time spent on your page. By making your website more engaging, potential customers will spend more time there. This can make it more likely that they will receive your message, whether that is to contact you or to buy your product.
  • Video provides for a more personalized experience. When you add video to your website, you can provide a more intimate experience that will help customers to trust in your message.
  • Information provided via video is easier to understand. Information presented with more than just the written word will be easier for users to understand.
  • Video provides for a more pleasant viewing experience. Videos offer interesting content that will pique the interest of visitors.
  • Video content can be easily shared. Using social media to share video content can improve user experience while generating traffic.

back to top button Use Animation to Direct Attention

The use of animation will influence the eyes of your visitors, and it can control where they focus their attention on your page. If you place animation in the wrong place or set it up at the wrong speed, it can become distracting from your actual message. For example, successfully implementing a “Back to Top” button on your website will allow the visitor to jump back to the menu after they have scrolled down the page, and depending on how it is implemented, it can either serve as a functional tool or a complete distraction.


Keep Your Visitors on the Right Track

Animation can be useful on your website to make transitions more obvious. If a page changes too quickly, users will risk losing context. The use of animated page scrolling and expanding forms can improve the design of your page while making navigation easier for your visitors.


Animation is an extremely helpful supplement to the content of your website, and it can make UX design clearer. Our internet marketing specialists can ensure that your visitors have an optimal experience when visiting your website.

Cultura Interactive is a full service, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to not only create unique and attractive websites, but also helps businesses improve their internet marketing strategies in a less-complicated way.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.


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