Creating A Social Media Content Calendar for Your Business

Creating a solid social media marketing plan will require the support of a stellar content strategy, and for some marketing professionals and small business owners, this can be overwhelming. For many businesses, the problem lies in not having a content…

marketing calendar

Creating a solid social media marketing plan will require the support of a stellar content strategy, and for some marketing professionals and small business owners, this can be overwhelming. For many businesses, the problem lies in not having a content posting strategy in place, and this is where a content calendar can be extremely beneficial. A content calendar will help you to brainstorm important topics to discuss with your followers, and it also allows you to organize your thoughts logically.

Save Time by Planning AheadHand writing Time to Plan concept with blue marker on transparent wipe board.

By spending up to an hour at the start of each month mapping out exactly what you will post over the next 30 days, you will help your social media strategy to succeed.

This will save you time when it comes to creating the actual post, as the topic is already identified. You won’t need to spend 15 minutes trying to come up with something to write. This saved time will lead to greater efficiency.

important dateNever Miss Another Important Posting Date

Have you ever forgotten a loved one’s birthday only to receive a Facebook reminder halfway through the day? While you might feel terrible to have forgotten, you likely experienced relief to be reminded early enough that you didn’t miss the date entirely.

Internet marketing with social media can also provide the same benefits for posting content, as Facebook reminders will ensure that you don’t miss creating posts that are relevant to campaign launch dates, product releases, and content relevant to holidays.

Create a Diverse Plansocial media plan

Creating diversity within your social media posts will keep your audience engaged with interesting and dynamic content. By utilizing a social media calendar, you can see how your content is being mixed and can map out your posts accordingly.

You can use this forum to organize your thoughts and to attempt to stagger the types of posts that you put up (ex. Shared links, text only, infographics, photos, etc.).


analyze social media content for internet marketing Analyze How Well Your Content is Performing

A content calendar is a good resource in determining how well your social media promotion strategy is performing. The best way to determine how well your past posts have performed and to create a future content plan is to perform routine checks.

You can schedule regular check-up times in your social media calendar to determine which posts are well-liked by your audience. Google Analytics and other similar platforms can help you to track referral sources, number of clicks, and unique page views in order to track the performance of your content. Our internet marketing team can help you analyze these metrics.


Social Media Calendars Allow for Fluiditymarketing calendar

Wait – did something just happen outside of your monthly content posting plan? How will you be able to share that new information without completely disrupting your calendar?

Remember that your content calendar is a fluid system, and it can allow you to jump into an unexpected opportunity. If something comes up mid-month, your social media calendar can be altered in order to take advantage of business changes. You can leave some spaces open at the end of your month by simply marking them “TBD”, allowing you to add topics as they arise throughout the time frame.

Have You Implemented an Internet Marketing Strategy?

Remember that a social media calendar is nothing without a good strategy to get it started. Our internet marketing specialists can assist you in developing your content and social media strategies. The end result should be a plan that saves you time, keeps you on track, and allows you to focus more of your energy on engaging with your audience.

Cultura Interactive is a full service, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to not only create unique and attractive websites, but also helps businesses improve their internet marketing strategies in a less-complicated way.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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