Building Your Social Media Followers from Scratch

Social media is an excellent way for your business to build a following, to gain exposure, and to turn your visitors into long-term fans. However, when you create your social media profiles, you will need to promote your brand and…

social media followers

Social media is an excellent way for your business to build a following, to gain exposure, and to turn your visitors into long-term fans. However, when you create your social media profiles, you will need to promote your brand and your page in order to gain followers – they won’t just flock to you on their own. Our internet marketing team can help you to increase your engagement rate, even if you need to grow your fan base from scratch.

Create a Social Media Marketing Plansocial media plan infographic

The best way to derail your social media efforts is to attempt to build followers without a plan in place. Our internet marketing specialists see this all the time – businesses start using social media and believe that they can do it well on the fly, but they stop completely due to lack of results, engagement, or time.

Don’t fall into the same trap. Without a social media marketing strategy, you will lack direction that can lead to wasted money and time, and you will also miss out on the best opportunities.


schedule and clock Stick to a Schedule

A key component to any successful social media plan is to create a schedule that is easy to follow. These schedules will help you to map out your updates and posts for the week or month, creating a consistent posting schedule that avoids long periods of inactivity or dumping updates in huge bursts.

Utilizing a social media content calendar can be useful in helping you to stay on track, and by taking advantage of this service, you’ll never miss out on an important post again.

Engage with Your Followersengage with followers

It is important to be engaged with your audience, especially if they have reached out to your company via social media. If someone messages you on Facebook, a responsive brand will reply promptly in order to deepen the relationship. This can be a great platform for dealing with customer concerns quickly, and you will show how openly you deal with issues.


branding Ensure Your Content is Tailored for the Platform

As a part of your social media marketing plan, you have likely signed up for several different platforms to connect with your customers.

However, if you are trying to gain followers, posting the same content along all platforms is a big mistake, as each of the largest players in social media will have a varied set of best practices. While Pinterest and Facebook are visual mediums, LinkedIn will favor professional and long-form content. Keep this information in mind when creating content that will help you connect with potential followers on each platform.

Use Promotions and Special Offers to Attract Followerspromotions

A Nielsen survey conducted in 2013 found that about 52% of Twitter users followed brands so that they could be notified about promotions and special offers. About 38% followed in order to get access to competitions, while 33% followed to access freebies.

You should use this information to leverage promotions, freebies, and contests that will engage your audience, convert your passive followers into active ambassadors for your brand, and to build a larger following.


At the end of the day, if you don’t feel that you are adequately building a strong community of followers and fans, you need to take a step back to rethink your strategy. Investing in professional internet marketing services can be a great way to get back on track and to attract more followers.

Cultura Interactive is a full service, Fort Lauderdale web design and Internet marketing agency that strives to not only create unique and attractive websites, but also helps businesses improve their marketing strategies in a less-complicated way.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.


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