5 Ways to Gain Revenue from Your Mobile App

Convincing people to download your business mobile app is hard enough on its own, but it is even more difficult to keep consumers engaged. Once they’ve made the download, you’ll need to use all of your advertising powers to get…

making money with mobile apps

Convincing people to download your business mobile app is hard enough on its own, but it is even more difficult to keep consumers engaged. Once they’ve made the download, you’ll need to use all of your advertising powers to get them to actually make purchases and earn you money. If a mobile app is a part of your marketing strategy, it is important that you create a good path to conversion in order to gain revenue.

mobile app conversionsInspire Urgency to Boost Mobile App Conversion Rates

After your users are engaged with your business on mobile, you’ll need to start encouraging them to buy. Develop a strategy to avoid cart abandonment that uses in-app and push messaging to encourage an immediate conversion.

You should also customize your marketing message for every individual user by referencing a specific item that is waiting in their cart.


ad space availableSell Ad Space

Selling ad space within your app is a great way to gain revenue with minimal overhead. When you use this strategy wisely, you could even cover the costs of the app, as businesses are constantly scrambling to get their name featured on mobile platforms.

Reach out to local businesses and offer them ad space at lower rates than more well-established apps. Many advertisers will jump at the opportunity to invest, as getting ad space in a smaller app will mean they don’t have to fight for attention among 20 competitors.


Create a Free, Ad-Supported Versionfree vs paid apps

If you have created a paid app in which your customers will need to purchase the application to use it, you may also want to consider developing a free, ad-supported version. Your free version will let users check out the app, and you’ll get paid if they click on any in-app ads.

The paid version is a better option for users who really enjoy the app, but hate the advertisements, as they can remove the ads by paying a small fee that will boost your revenue.


personalized marketingPersonalize Your Engagement Efforts

In order to keep people interested in your app, it is important that you are sending out marketing messages that contain valuable and relevant content. Personal recommendations that are based on the customer’s most recent purchase or recently viewed item will provide value.

You should also incorporate personalization rather than sending out generic push notifications. If your users believe that 10,000 other people received the same message that they did, they will be less likely to act.

Use In-App Messages Wiselyin-app messaging

Once you have a thorough understanding of the browsing patterns and preferences of your users, it can be easy to encourage them to make a purchase of additional items while they are browsing on your app.

An in-app message is a simple way to communicate with your customers, especially since your brand and products are clearly on their mind. However, you should be sure to use in-app messages sparingly and wisely, as each message will take away from the actual app. Plus, these messages appear as pop-ups, and we all know how often those are abused – and ignored – on the web.


When it comes to trying to boost your profits, simply having a mobile app isn’t enough. By using some of these strategies, you’ll take a more proactive approach to gaining revenue through your app.

Cultura Interactive is an award-winning, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to create unique and attractive websites for our clients, and helps businesses improve their internet marketing strategies to boost conversions.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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