How to Influence Users to Download Your Mobile App

If you are looking for a new mobile app, there are millions from which you can choose for your tablet or smartphone. While this is great news for consumers, it can be overwhelming for business owners or developers. With all…

mobile app downloads

If you are looking for a new mobile app, there are millions from which you can choose for your tablet or smartphone. While this is great news for consumers, it can be overwhelming for business owners or developers. With all of the competition out there, getting attention for your app is no simple feat. However, if you are determined to get your mobile app noticed, there are some things that you can try to increase the number of downloads.

appnoticedStart Marketing During Development

If you have a new app that is in the works, don’t make the mistake of waiting until after it has launched to start marketing it. Instead, take some time to find out where your target audience hangs out online.

Find meet-up groups and other Internet forums, and make sure that participants are aware of your upcoming app. You’ll get some constructive feedback prior to the launch, and you’ll also put together a database of potential customers.



Starting a blog is a great way to gain attention for your business and brand, and the end result will hopefully be more mobile app downloads.

The most important part is to write about something that will grab the attention of your audience while encouraging them to share it with others. The topic needs to be relevant and current, and you should be sure to include helpful pointers from which your readers can learn.


Increase Your Social Media PresenceIncrease Your Social Media Presence

Do you have profiles on all the top social media sites? If you do, are you actively engaging with your followers? This is a great – and free – channel for encouraging people to download your mobile app.

You’ll be able to create content and promote it easily, and once you’ve built a following, the mobile app downloads should follow.


Get Reviewedrate my app

Another way to encourage people to download your app is to have it reviewed favorably. If you have an iOS app, check out, as this website has compiled a list of app review sites that are listed in order based on their Alexa ranking. Many of the sites found here also review Android apps, as well.



Use Video to Get Your Mobile App Noticedvideo promo

Rather than having potential customers simply read about your app, stand out from the crowd by creating a video to introduce your app and explain how it can benefit the people that download it.

Make sure that you are including local language subtitles, and if you have the budget for it, have your video translated into some of the other common languages in your region to appeal to everyone. If you aren’t well-versed at video creation and editing, consider hiring a professional to make sure that you are putting out a high-quality finished product.


Your mobile app can be a great resource in promoting your brand, but first you have to get people to download it. By following these tips and seeking advice from an Internet marketing company when needed, you can boost the amount of downloads that your app receives.

Cultura Interactive is an award-winning, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to create unique and attractive websites for our clients, and helps businesses improve their internet marketing strategies to boost conversions.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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