5 Common SEO Mistakes You Need to Fix

Search Engine Optimization plays an essential part in the growth of your online business when used as an internet marketing technique. In addition to assisting search engine robots to index your web pages accurately, the user experience is also enhanced…

Search Engine Optimization plays an essential part in the growth of your online business when used as an internet marketing technique. In addition to assisting search engine robots to index your web pages accurately, the user experience is also enhanced with SEO. Furthermore, when utilized as a long-term marketing strategy for your business, SEO can be helpful in driving organic traffic to your site, steadily boosting its SERPs ranking.

For the newbie marketer, SEO optimization can be complex. The reasoning for this is that SEO includes a wide range of off-page and on-page SEO factors. You will likely make trivial SEO mistakes if you are not aware of what these factors are. This, in turn, can significantly impact your site’s traffic and conversion as well as ranking.

If you have observed a sudden decrease in your traffic and ranking, then one or more of these SEO mistakes may be the reason. The following SEO mistakes are a few that you need to fix immediately:

1. Broken Links

Broken links and 404 errors are one reason for the high bounce rate. This not only affect user experience but indexing of the site. For search engines is more difficult when there are broken links on your website. Locating and fixing broken links on your site is vital when it comes to improving ranking and traffic.

2. Website Speed

One of the top mistakes in SEO that results in a high bounce rate is poor website speed. In today’s fast-paced world, almost nobody waits if a website does not load within seconds. What this means if your site loading speed is slow-moving, is that site performance could be hindered.

To help determine the reasoning for sluggish site speed you can check on PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix for the website speed. In addition to checking the speed, these tools will offer suggestions on ways to fix these problems, resulting in a decrease in rankings and bounce rate.

3. Non-Mobile-Friendly Website

It has been long since Google made the announcement that mobile-friendly sites are mandatory. If you have not made the change, this means that you are missing out on potential traffic that could significantly affect your ROI. Also, without a responsive website from mobile-first indexing, rankings for your site could be affected.

4. Keyword Stuffing

The days of randomly stuffing keywords into your articles as a way to increase your ranking in search results are long gone. Today, Google’s algorithm is much smarter, and any over-optimization of targeted keywords or keyword stuffing could result in a penalty. The credibility of your brand could be affected by this penalty.

One great way to avoid this is to search terms by utilizing LSI keywords. By doing so, keywords similar to your target keywords can be added and user experience improved.

5. Low-Quality Content

Time and again, the importance of content length and high-quality content for SEO has been generally discussed. Both of these factors are important and can have a negative impact when the optimal length and quality of your content is not ensured.

You need to fix this immediately if you are not writing high-quality, informative content that is useful for your target audience. Updating existing articles as well as the creation of new content can help improve your SEO.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale website design studio. We strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo designWordPress developmenteCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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