4 Ways an eCommerce Website Can Improve Your Business

Support and growth for business need an eCommerce website, regardless of where your business started – pop-up events, farmers markets, or brick-and-mortar. According to eMarketer, over half of shoppers begin their purchasing process with online research. If they’re unable to…

Support and growth for business need an eCommerce website, regardless of where your business started – pop-up events, farmers markets, or brick-and-mortar. According to eMarketer, over half of shoppers begin their purchasing process with online research.

If they’re unable to locate your business online, sales will be lost. Reach more shoppers by improving the customer experience with an omnichannel retail approach or a cross-channel strategy.

According to Salesforce, 75 percent of customers state that whenever they engage with a brand they want a consistent experience. That includes social media, your website, and offline transactions.

Provide the customer with what they want by introducing an eCommerce website that joins the gap between each of your selling channels.

5 ways an eCommerce website can improve your business by delivering a better customer experience:

1. eCommerce website can act as your hub

Even if your brick-and-mortar store is booming, an eCommerce website can act as a business hub. As a business owner, the first thing you must do it get online.

You can launch your eCommerce website and begin selling products immediately with a free plan from the Square Online Store and pay no monthly fee. All you pay is 2.9 percent + 30 cents per transaction.

When an eCommerce website is added to your omnichannel strategy you reach customers who begin their shopping by online product research.

2. Helps to gather information

An eCommerce website provides an easy way to capture valuable data that can then be used to please customers which results in more sales. To gather customer information, simply ask site visitors to add their email address to your email marketing list.

Square Online Store includes a tool to assist you in sending a service or product announcement, quick update, invitation, or a newsletter. Square Online Store can also provide insight into customer behavior such as reviews, searches, and product interest.

3. You can personalize the customer experience

An eCommerce site allows you to learn what the customer likes which can help customize their experience. According to Salesforce, customers would like retailers to utilize their purchase history to deliver personalized offers. An online store allows you to enhance the experience of the customers with customized email.

Square Online Store marketing tools can help collect purchase history or birthday information to send out targeted offers. Customers are more likely to open and redeem birthday offers that were personalized over other types of marketing emails.

4. Expand your reach

The built-in marketing tools offered with Square Online Store such as marketing Square Gift Cards provides a way to promote your company more efficiently through an eCommerce website. Instagram photos can also be imported to allow shoppers a way to securely check out from an image taken from your website.

In addition, Facebook ads can be a way of expanding customer reach as well. Shoppers can be re-engaged by creating ads displaying products they viewed on your eCommerce website but did not purchase.

Adding an eCommerce website to your business is a smart decision. In fact, more than 50 percent of Americans prefer to do their shopping online, while less than 50 percent prefer an actual store.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale website design studio. We strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, WordPress developmentWooCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.


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