Why You Should Start Your Internet Marketing Campaign for the Holidays Soon

Every year it seems that holiday sales start sooner and sooner. Retail giants, Target and Walmart, begin their holiday deals long before Thanksgiving. This undoubtedly means that their marketing campaigns start many months prior. If you have not already started…

Every year it seems that holiday sales start sooner and sooner. Retail giants, Target and Walmart, begin their holiday deals long before Thanksgiving. This undoubtedly means that their marketing campaigns start many months prior. If you have not already started your internet marketing campaign, here is why you should:

Sales Begin Sooner Than You Would Think

It is vital to reach consumers prior to them making decisions about purchases, not when they are about to buy. Studies show that many consumers begin to make holiday purchases right after Halloween, while others “pride themselves” on having their holiday shopping done before the end of summer. By waiting to start your internet marketing campaign, you stand to lose a lot of revenue.

You Have Time to Tweak

When starting an internet holiday marketing campaign in August, you have time to determine if the campaign is working prior to the hectic months of November and December. If you wait, you will not know if your campaign is working until a few weeks before the holiday. In fact, by waiting you risk not having time to make the needed changes.

By beginning your internet holiday campaign early, you have a cushion that allows you to make changes as necessary. Getting only a few retweets, likes and shares on social media? Try highlighting different items. Not enough emails getting opened? Mix the message up to a little. Any good marketing campaign relies on flexibility and beginning early provides a chance to benefit from this flexibility.

Early Marketing Gets Repeat Customers

Research has shown that participating in a holiday marketing campaign is beneficial for large and small businesses alike; with 52% of these businesses reporting that new customers made during the holiday season become loyal, repeat customers.

Makes Your Company Stand Out

Early, unique marketing campaigns make your company stand out. Consider it, receiving an email marketing pitch that displays Christmas tree imagery in the months of August or September is likely to capture a larger audience than if similar images were received in the months of November or December when everyone is using images of Christmas trees. By starting your internet holiday marketing campaign now, you ensure it will get special attention.

Saves Time Later

There is no denying that November and December are the busiest months of the year. Whether you own a large or small business, by the end of the year you are swamped. In addition to the thousand other things you need to complete, you do not want to be making marketing campaign decisions as well. Consider the following ways that save time later when creating an early holiday marketing campaign:

  • Campaign logistics are already set up.
  • Sales dates and merchandise are planned out well in advance.
  • Deliverability issues that are often seen in November and December can be avoided.
  • Troubleshoot your marketing ads long before the holiday rush.
  • Determine what potential buyers will be searching for ahead of time to ensure items are ready to go.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale website design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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