How Product Packaging Influences the Recognition of Your Brand

From any point of view, product packaging seems to be the last thing that companies should think about, but in reality this can be a “tool” that is more capable of providing your company with new opportunities to highlight your…

ecommerce product packaging

From any point of view, product packaging seems to be the last thing that companies should think about, but in reality this can be a “tool” that is more capable of providing your company with new opportunities to highlight your eCommerce brand than you think.

The reason? Product packaging is an infallible medium where you can simultaneously convey specific information about your company, and give your clients an unforgettable experience to keep them coming back. Although eCommerce packaging was born out of the need to protect products and ensure that they were delivered safely to the hands of consumers, nowadays, packaging is used as a means to improve brand recognition and create a positive impact.

A Well-Presented Package Guarantees Customer Satisfaction

How many times have you received a poorly packaged item in the mail? Believe it or not, the way your product is packaged says a lot about your company and brand. Every single component of the package that adds to the presentation of the item is a key factor that requires prior planning and testing. Creating a pleasant unboxing experience for your customers makes them feel appreciated from the moment they receive it, so make it memorable.

Remember that the eCommerce market has limited opportunities to impress customers, compared to physical stores where they can choose products more easily, so it’s important take advantage of every resource to give consumers an excellent image of your company and the way it operates.

For example, instead of using a standard box sealed with transparent packaging tape, you can choose to integrate the design that distinguishes your brand and add elements that serve to familiarize users with it. In this way, your customers will relate the quality of the service you offer to the package design and, in the coming years, will feel more motivated to buy.

The effort that users perceive when receiving a product packed in a custom design make them want to repeat the experience, which translates into a profit for your company. Many eCommerce businesses limit themselves only to making a sale rather than focusing on the packaging, when in reality the latter can provide incredible growth opportunities.

Why Is Product Packaging So Important?

It’s very simple! Customers are more likely to repeat purchases if companies make this process an unforgettable experience. It’s not only about offering different payment methods, promotions or a wide variety of product options, but also about carefully planning how your products will reach them. The idea of ​​receiving purchases in a single or reusable package can make the difference between the number of clients you expect to retain.

Similarly, your product packaging will give your customers something to talk about. It will encourage users to recommend your company and, in turn, increase your brand’s popularity. Also, make sure you tune into social media! Customers (or even influencers) tend to promote your brand through their social media accounts. Whether it’s an unboxing video, or simply a photo of your product (including your awesome packaging), their followers are watching and this can potentially lead to new customers.

What Elements Should You Consider for the Packaging of Your eCommerce Products?

It’s important to think about the design, structure and all the components that will make the package itself interesting and memorable. To do this, consider the following materials:

  • Box: White and brown cardboard boxes usually represent the default options, but this can easily be changed by planning an exceptional design. However, it is important to take into account the expenses that this requires, as well as the weight of the additional material you will add.
  • Silk Paper: Alternatives to this can vary depending on whether you want to customize it. Using silk paper adds a touch of mystery and class that customers love.
  • Filling: There are so many types of filling you can use to protect the contents of the package, so it’s important to make sure you choose the one that best fits with your brand’s aesthetics as well as the product(s).
  • Cards: Although we are accustomed to seeing cards showing the information about the services offered by companies, the truth is that these can contain useless information and may even end up in the trash. Using cards to describe the contents of the package, or offering customers a discount on their next purchase will make is stand out between traditional shipments.
  • Customized notes: Customers love feeling special, especially when it’s something personalized. Customized notes are simple elements that will bring customers closer to your business, and let them know that there are real people working every day to give them only the best service.
  • Packing tape: If you want to move away from the traditional transparent tape, there are countless color options that you can incorporate and combine that complements your brand identity. Note: Be sure to check with your local parcel service for shipping regulations regarding tape.
  • Gifts: A free gift adds a touch of exclusivity to your shipments, and is also a great way to reward the loyalty of your customers.

Improve Your Audience Experience

Implementing different methods to make users fall in love with your brand (and its packaging) will achieve a greater level of success and recognition. Remember that more than attracting customers, it is about making them want to repeat the experience of buying your products with a long-lasting impression.

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