Is Your eCommerce Website Ready For Black Friday?

If you’re just now starting to prep your WordPress eCommerce website for Black Friday, you are behind the 8-ball right now. Most websites began prepping for this months ago. Don’t worry though, all is not lost. You can still get…

wordpress ecommerce

If you’re just now starting to prep your WordPress eCommerce website for Black Friday, you are behind the 8-ball right now. Most websites began prepping for this months ago. Don’t worry though, all is not lost. You can still get everything situated and done in time, if you know what to do. Here are three simple tips to help you ensure that your website is Black Friday and Cyber Monday ready.

Have A Game Plan

You need to have a game plan. Figure out what products you have in stock and which ones you want to focus on. Once you’ve figured out what you are going to promote the most, make sure you have a realistic inventory of those products. You don’t want to waste money having too much of any specific product.

You’re not a big box store, so you’re not going to be able to slash prices across the board. However, you can use coupon codes, free shipping with minimum purchase and gift card promotions to help secure your spot in the Black Friday and Cyber Monday crowd.


Before you launch your plan, you need to break it down and be as critical as you can about it. Compare it to ideas that you used for previous Black Friday’s and gauge the success. Are you using the same approach for the things that worked before? Did you remember to cut out the things that proved to be a complete bust?

Look at what your competitors did the last two years and see how it compares to what you are doing. Maybe you had problems with processing payments last year, which cost you a large number of sales. Have steps been taken to correct this?

Once you’ve gone over your plan and the status of your website, you can start implementing your plan and then kick it into high gear. If you’re still unsure about a couple of areas, hold off a day or two, while you find a better solution. This might mean changing who handles all your shipping or who processes your credit cards.

Execute Your Plan

Once you have your plan started, get on as many of social media networks as you can to start sharing the news. You can offer a sneak peek at your sale by asking people to sign up for your newsletter and receive a promo code at checkout. You can use the newsletter to generate a lot of excitement about what offers you are going to provide customers. The more ways you can generate excitement, the more traffic your WordPress eCommerce website is bound to get.

Update your website banners and send out emails to current customers, letting them know about the upcoming sneak peek they can gain access to. This is also a great time to get more aggressive with your websites SEO efforts.

Need Some Help With Your WordPress eCommerce Website?

You don’t have to spend a fortune to do so, something as simple as increasing the number of blogs that are written and link back to your site can be enough to generate a little extra buzz.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award winning Fort Lauderdale web design studio, and verified WooExperts for WooCommerce, that strives to create unique and attractive websites, develop strategic internet marketing campaigns and even generate a successful mobile app business plan for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web designlogo designWordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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