How to Retain Your Audience’s Attention During the Holidays

The air is brisk and crisp. Everywhere you turn, glittering lights and succulent smells, fawn for your attention. The holiday season is finally here! Stores, physical and eCommerce alike, are making themselves over to get into the holiday spirit. What…


The air is brisk and crisp. Everywhere you turn, glittering lights and succulent smells, fawn for your attention. The holiday season is finally here! Stores, physical and eCommerce alike, are making themselves over to get into the holiday spirit. What does this mean for you? It’s time to get your marketing plan for this holiday season rolling.

The holiday season is the busiest time of the year for eCommerce vendors. In 2016 alone, roughly 108 million people made online purchases on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, compared to the 103 million from the previous year. What does this mean? Simple. It means that eCommerce websites are gaining traction, and fast. This means you need to plan for the influx in traffic and start reaching out to your potential visitors, but how?

Start Collecting Contact Information From Your eCommerce Website

Ok, before you shoot the messenger, understand that the goal is to drive up how many people sign up for your marketing plans. In light of this, we have to bring up pop-up forms. Yes, they have a bad rap because of how bloody annoying they are, but this is because they are not used properly. Don’t throw them out the moment someone comes to your site. Have it on a time delay or as a trigger event, like clicking on an item. Use that time to pitch potential discounts and the benefits of signing up. When done right, this approach can boost your list expansion rate by about 60%. Not bad.

Make Sure You’re The First Supplier Customers Think of

The start of a sale happens long before a customer ever steps foot out of the house, or bed, for the matter. Rather than waiting for special events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, you should have been already contacting your current customer base. If you’ve missed out on this, shame on you. However, all is not lost. You can still start engaging with your customers by sending out email blasts and automated messages with promotion codes or offers to get them fired back up about what you have to offer. You can give them sneak peaks of what is to come or even do something as simple as talking about the holiday itself.

Use Facebook and Instagram to Expand Your Customer Base

Everyone says you should use Facebook and Instagram to find more customers, but no one tells you how to do it. Well, incoming spoiler alert! You can use platforms like MailChimp to take your current list of customers and find them on social media platforms and then find other people who are similar to them who might be interested. Think of it as dropping a laser guided marketing bomb. Booooom!

Get Personal With Your People

People love to feel as if they are appreciated. Something as simple as making sure that each email is coded to address the recipient by their first name will increase the odds of them opening, and reading, the email by 42%. In the marketing world, 42% is a HUGE number. You can also make suggestions to them based on previous purchases. Whatever you do, show them that they matter and that you care enough about them to have paid attention.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale website design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web designlogo designWordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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