How to Increase Conversions with WordPress

WordPress CMS solutions is extremely popular, and when used to power your business website or blog, this software program can actually help to increase conversions and boost profits. If you are hoping to increase your conversions using WordPress, following a…

wordpress cms solutions

WordPress CMS solutions is extremely popular, and when used to power your business website or blog, this software program can actually help to increase conversions and boost profits. If you are hoping to increase your conversions using WordPress, following a few simple tips can give you a major edge on your competition.

CMS Solutions Establish Well-Defined Goals

One of the most important steps in increasing your conversions using WordPress is to understand what you want each page to achieve. You’ll also need to establish how the goal of each page relates to your overall business goals regarding sales, branding, and lead generation. You’ll need to be able to measure success so that you can make improvements that will move your site towards those goals.

Create Prominent Calls to Action

A call to action is the part of your website that inspires your visitors to do something that you want, whether that is signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or clicking to “Follow” your page. The call to action on your website could be a link, a button, or a form, and in order to be effective, it needs to attract attention and to be obvious. However, it also needs to walk a fine line so that it doesn’t distract users from the main content of your page or annoy your visitors.

When creating your call to action, consider a few helpful steps to get started:

  • Make your call to action easily distinguishable so that it stands out on the screen
  • Give the call to action value, such as receiving useful information or a free trial for clicking
  • Avoid scrolling text, flashing lights, or other obnoxious imaging
  • Create a sense of urgency, as letting potential customers know they could be missing out on a deal by not acting immediately could inspire them to act
  • Use action words like “Try,” “Buy,” or “Register”

Make Use of Landing Pages

WordPress is one of the best CMS solutions that takes advantage of landing pages – the endpoint to which your website leads visitors. Your calls to action at other locations on your website will lead your visitor to these pages. Landing pages contain a form to collect user info or to give visitors the chance to make a purchase. Make sure that the design of your landing page is focused on improving your conversion rates in order to take advantage of this feature.

Take Advantage of Customer Testimonials

Websites that use WordPress CMS solutions give your customers a chance to voice their opinion and share their experiences about your business. Happy customers are willing to leave behind testimonials, and these are great ways to attract potential new customers who might want to do business with you. You can use testimonials on your websites to give prospective clients an idea of what other people have experienced when working with you.


WordPress can be used for a lot more than just content management, and it can serve as a great enterprise marketing tool when implemented correctly. Take advantage of WordPress in order to boost sales and customer conversions.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award winning Fort Lauderdale web design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, develop strategic internet marketing campaigns and even generate a successful mobile app business plan for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web designlogo designWordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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