With the Internet and website design standards changing so quickly and frequently, it can feel overwhelming to try and stay ahead of the competition with your own. There is social media to implement, content to add, new design elements to experiment with, but sometimes just leaving your site alone is perfectly fine, too– to an extent.
Should You Redesign Your Website?
If you’re experiencing lower numbers in click-through rates, unique views, and fewer leads overall, then perhaps a redesign is in order for your website. There are a couple signs you can look for when you know it’s time to consider redesigning your website, all of which have been outlined below:
How old is your website? The general rule of thumb when it comes to a website redesign is that over three years is considered “outdated.” However, there are some staple elements that won’t change despite the recent trends in design, such as displaying your business phone, address, an about section, and so on. How long ago was your last custom web design?
Updated company logo, brand, and image. If you’ve been in business for a while, then things must have certainly changed in your branding and the way you advertise your services. Does your website also reflect these changes? When you’re doing an overhaul of your business and its image, remember to also include your site in that process.
How users interact with your site. How exactly are users responding to the pages on your website? What keywords are landing them to your page? Through data and analytics, you can figure out what keeps a user on your page, what makes them quickly exit, and even what portions of the site has the most interaction. Rearranging and making those popular hotspots easier to locate will increase your website’s conversion rates almost immediately.
Optimization for mobile. Finally, is your website optimized for the mobile web? This is increasingly important for businesses because a majority of users are searching on their smartphones and tablets, which mean a different screen resolution, size, and sometimes limited load times to consider. Custom wen design can help with optimizing for mobile, however.
While trends will always come and go, even in website design, there are a few core design elements that will make your site user friendly, easy to navigate, and nab even more conversions for you. What’s stopping you from a complete redesign?
Cultura Interactive agency strives to create unique and attractive websites as well as a mobile app business plan for our clients.
Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.