Security Trends Your Company Needs to Embrace in 2019

This year has brought with it many new technologies that have claimed the minds and hearts of both insiders and observers. A few of these include AI, blockchain, and neural networks. Unfortunately, each of these new technologies brings about some…

This year has brought with it many new technologies that have claimed the minds and hearts of both insiders and observers. A few of these include AI, blockchain, and neural networks. Unfortunately, each of these new technologies brings about some risks as well. However, thanks to the constant pace of advancements, every day we see new solutions surface. Here are the best cybersecurity trends your company needs to embrace in 2019:

AI Will Advance Predictive Cyber Protection

Most businesses technology infrastructure includes analytics. Advancements in AI and predictive analytics means these businesses will be more capable of understanding and diagnosing their security. With this ability, detecting fraud in real-time will be much easier. Not only banks and financial service providers but all businesses can benefit from this advancement. Expect predictive cyber protection to become the norm in the future.

Continued Evolvement of Self-Evaluating Applications

AI will also play a role in helping applications protect themselves. Some areas are unsurprisingly left exposed with no real protection when humans must detect even the smallest of vulnerabilities in giant networks. In 2019, one of the big movements will be the upsurge of RASP (runtime application self-protection). This means that human intervention is not needed to detect any size problem. With RASP, there will be an added layer of cybersecurity to detect, diagnose, and defend against cyber-attacks that occur on the application level.

The Uprising of Authentication

While the information we continuously store online grows in value, the tools that are used to maintain the safety of this data remain obsolete. Even though passwords are fine for identification and verification purposes, when guaranteeing data security, they are not that great. Methods such as 2-factor authentication and biometric verification among others have recently started replacing passwords. However, 2019 will be a time for a change.

One change is removing the need for passwords with the growing popularity of Identity-as-a-service (IDaaS). Another alternative to passwords is Fast Identity Online (FIDO), which is increasing in acceptance and uses a vocal or biometric recognition.

Data Security Governance Perspectives Will Change

The year 2018 showed data in the news media many times, and not always in a positive light. Many high-profile security breaches have taken place, proving that even large companies like Facebook are not immune to cyber-attacks. Furthermore, the rate that data is created, stored, and shared with others has increased greatly.

With cyber-attacks continuing to happen, companies must learn better ways to adapt. Cloud governance and big data governance in 2019 will become bigger issues. To keep up with the changes in technology, data security governance will continue to evolve.

Continued Expansion of BYOD and the Added Security Challenges

Bring your own device or BYOD is a popular trend that will continue to expand in the new year. However, this can be a nightmare for IT departments due to the security standards of the user’s. Serious vulnerabilities are created when workers do not maintain the same high bar as their organization.

In 2019, you can expect to see an increased need for safer ways to employ “bring your own device” policies. Technology is here to stay, which means that security must keep pace.

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