5 Tips Web Design Businesses Should Consider

5 Fundamentals of Web Design to Consider In order to design a website that sells, keeping the fundamentals of design and sales in mind is essential. Here are five powerful tips that will help you stay focused on what matters…

5 Fundamentals of Web Design to Consider

In order to design a website that sells, keeping the fundamentals of design and sales in mind is essential.

Here are five powerful tips that will help you stay focused on what matters most: the customer’s experience and sales-driven web design all businesses should strive for.

  1. Navigation Keeps Your Site from Getting Lost.  Making a website that is difficult to navigate is a common mistake in web design. You may think a disappearing navigation bar is innovative and unique, but most visitors are not there to be impressed by design. They want to find information they need quickly, otherwise visitors will leave to a site that is more user-friendly.
  2. White Space keeps it Clean.  Another design error companies make is overcrowding the website. The old adage “less is more” is a rule of thumb for a successful site. Having white space in your site gives it an uncluttered appearance, and allows the viewer to find the information and perform your call to action. As a business, you want to attract leads and maximize page impressions by avoiding pages that load slowly or are not aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
  3. Home is where the Heart Is.  When it comes to web design, site owners should always keep in mind that the home page of their site is the heart of their company. Treating the home page as a place where your customers will form their initial opinion of you is vital.  Whatever you want people to think about your business, the home page of your website is the place to do it.  You can use color schemes, pictures, graphics, charts, reviews and more to set the tone for your visitors.
  4. Don’t Redirect Focus.  Another mistake in web design many businesses and site owners make is getting too flashy or placing links that lead visitors off of your website. When your lead is distracted or prompted to click on something that diverts them, you might never get them back. It’s vital that all of the web design tactics any webmaster employs be focused on driving sales. Eliminate all distractions and keep your leads focused on calls to action such as making a purchase, getting them to sign up for your newsletter or having them download your eBook. This is the key to successful ROI from a website for businesses.
  5. Effective Web Design is Google’s Friend.  It’s important to provide useful information on each page that accurately describes your topic. Include keywords relevant to your business or service that visitors would type to find your website in search engines. Google’s text-matching techniques will display search results that are important and relevant to each search. A good design should always go hand in hand with high-quality content that maximizes good search results.

Cultura Interactive offers a variety of services for small businesses in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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