5 Types of Mobile Apps to Enhance Your Small Business

Running a small business is a lot of work, and when you are dealing with monitoring your budget, keeping track of employee assignments, and handling customer inquiries, you may feel like you are spread pretty thin. If you feel that…

Running a small business is a lot of work, and when you are dealing with monitoring your budget, keeping track of employee assignments, and handling customer inquiries, you may feel like you are spread pretty thin. If you feel that you need to improve your organization while increasing your productivity, the right mobile app may be a good way to make your life a little easier.

Note-Taking Apps

A good note app is crucial for small business owners. When you come up with an idea outside of the office, these apps will allow you to jot it down and sync it to your other devices. They also allow users to record conversations and to quickly add notes. One of the most popular right now is Evernote, which allows you to keep track of your favorite websites, details about an upcoming meeting, or information to share with colleagues.

Communication mobile appsCommunication Apps

Mobile apps for communication are also crucial for enhancing your small business, as you’ll need a method of keeping in touch with your office when you are on the road. These apps are more immediate than email, and their chat-oriented style allows you to communicate with employees, colleagues, and business partners wherever you have Internet or data connections. Some great apps that you should check out for your business include Microsoft Lync, iOS Messages, and Google Hangouts.

Bookkeeping Apps

One of the most common reasons that small businesses fail has to do with finances, but it can be difficult to keep track of your expenses, sending out invoices, filing taxes, and handling payroll. Bookkeeping apps can help you to streamline these financial tasks so that you have more time to focus on business growth. FreshBooks, Wave, Zenpayroll, and You Need a Budget are a few that you should check out.

Collaboration Apps

Many small businesses today are using cloud-based document systems in order to more easily create, store, and share files between users in the office. Fortunately, a lot of these programs also have mobile apps so that you can work on projects with your team when you are away. This is especially useful if you have employees in different offices or a sales team that is often working on the road. If your office uses document systems like Office 365 or Google Apps, installing the mobile apps might be useful. Other programs like Quip also allow you to work on and edit drafts in real time, allowing you to be notified when documents are updated.

Time Management Mobile Apps

Do you need a little help prioritizing your day and staying on task? A time management app might be able to help. Clearly, for example, is an easy to use app that allows you to create and manage lists in order to organize your daily itinerary, and you can set up reminders. Rescue Time is another good option, as it allows you to track the time you spend on websites and applications to provide an accurate picture as to how you spend your time throughout the day.


It is time to start using technology to your advantage. By implementing mobile apps into your small business, you’ll enjoy greater productivity and efficiency.

Cultura Interactive is an award-winning, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to create unique and attractive websites as well as mobile apps for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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