4 Tips for Running a Successful Social Media Campaign

Inbound marketing is the premier way to ensure your business is visible to your target market. The steps in an inbound marketing campaign will generally start by “attracting visitors” with lucrative content. Then the inbound strategy will “convert visitors to…

Inbound marketing is the premier way to ensure your business is visible to your target market. The steps in an inbound marketing campaign will generally start by “attracting visitors” with lucrative content. Then the inbound strategy will “convert visitors to leads” and then “close those leads.” Finally, the strategy will offer significant “delight” by upgrading existing customers to more profitable products. While an effective campaign includes several facets, the social media components offer an uncanny method to engage clients to discover what is important to an audience.

Tips for Running a Successful Social Media Campaign

  1. Building trust in the brand is directly linked to increased sales. This means that as consumers build more trust through these online platforms, the consumer is more likely to tell their friends and return for repeat business.
  2. Generate a buzz and inform the target audience about new products and services. Social media generates a buzz through online conversation and interaction.
  3. Engage the target audience through social media.  This enables business owners to see what customers are saying about the business. More importantly, the business owner can actually join in the conversation. The best practice is to provide a response to positive post
  4. Increasing the revenue is one of the most desirable methods of any marketing strategy. Social media is a great way to direct traffic to the website.

Social Media Management Tools

Social media is an amazing way to start the conversation about the business. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or the boatload of other networks, the business should have a strong presence relative to its target market. However, the growing number of social networks can mean posting, managing, and analyzing each individual network, which would require a sufficient amount of time and effort. As a more effective alternative to individually managing each network, social media management tools present business owners with countless benefits.

A growing number of businesses are finding social media management tools to be the only way to effectively engage audiences in social marketing. Even then, the exponentially growing number of these management tools can make choosing the best tool an even more daunting task. However, there are certain elements that supports the most basic function of social media management tools. The following information highlights those essential elements.

Key Traits of Management Tools

  • The social media tool should offer access to multiple users.
  • The social network management tools should make publishing content a simplified process. Instead of requiring the user to log into each social network to publish content, these management tools should effectively allow the simultaneous publishing under one user log in.
  • Any effective tool should include notifications of when users engage with the content, such as when users post comments, shares the content, or communicates directly through the social network page.
  • The best social network management tools implement an effective content calender for timely publishing.
  • Based on the proliferation of smartphones and mobile devices, the best tools accommodate the accessibility of mobile devices.
  • The tool should take into consideration the existence of less-sharable posts with longer links. In effect, the social network management tool should offer applications for shortening longer URLs.
  • As a vital component of measuring the success and effectiveness of social media campaigns, the tool should provide intuitive and valuable reporting tools and analytics.

Need Help Developing Your Internet Marketing Campaign?

Cultura Interactive agency strives to create unique and attractive websites, develop strategic internet marketing strategies and even generate a mobile app business plan for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web designlogo designWordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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