Search Engine Marketing Strategies For Small Business

Being able to build up small business search engine marketing first comes from an understanding of what search engine marketing is all about, and how it affects what people see on search engines such as Google. When it comes to…

Being able to build up small business search engine marketing first comes from an understanding of what search engine marketing is all about, and how it affects what people see on search engines such as Google. When it comes to business, it is integral to have a robust Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy put into place in order to work properly. So, what kinds of strategies are best–especially when it comes to small business? Here are a few that for sure will fire search engine marketing strategies in small business.

Local Search Engine Marketing

Even if the business is predominately online, it is still very good to have a local presence when people are searching locally online. This means having a full and updated address through Google as well as updating the company blog with local centric articles and press releases. But, this is especially important for businesses with physical storefronts in any local area because people are going to be searching online first and foremost nowadays.

For businesses with a physical location, it is also best to have a listing on Yelp and try to be active in the community and talk about these activities in the blog and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or others. Being in the spotlight as frequently as possible when it comes to local search results is one of the best things any business can do for their exposure and marketing strategy.

Strong SEO

Not only does small business search engine marketing heavily rely on local search, but it still has to follow certain guidelines and standards that are found in general SEO. Things such as meta data, proper link building, and the right amount of keywords still need to be actively present. This will ensure that the name of the business, its website, and so much more will have a higher chance of landing on that coveted first page on Google and staying there.

Also, having an on-going SEO strategy is best, especially when it can be highly flexible for any changes in standards. Google is constantly changing and tweaking their search algorithms, normally naming the updates like Panda or Penguin, and any business needs to stay up to date so they don’t have to worry about losing their rank on the search engine.

Social Media Marketing

Search and social media marketing go hand-in-hand, especially now that most major social networks allow for the use of hashtags. For small business search engine marketing, businesses need to make sure they are active on their social media channels at least daily. Even if it is only one post a day, that is better than nothing! Ideally, however, businesses should be updating their social media a couple times a day, normally around three or five times.

The biggest channels any business should be active on is obviously the bigger websites like Facebook or Twitter, but do not forget about the power of others like Vine, Instagram, Pinterest, or even SlideShare. Businesses need to be open to trying out new social media channels, especially if they can help with search engine marketing. This is because most social media posts are now indexed by Google and helps with search rankings.


A strong strategy for small business search engine marketing starts with the basics like local search, social media, and proper SEO–all of which can be easily built upon for the best strategy for any type of business out there. All it takes is making that first step in building the right kind of strategy.

Cultura Web Design offers Search Engine Marketing services for small business in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. You can learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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