3 Ways to Create a Strong Brand Identity Online

    What makes your business stand out from the crowd? More importantly, what makes users want to choose your company over the competition? Your online presence, and everything you share on the internet, affects the way your company is…

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What makes your business stand out from the crowd? More importantly, what makes users want to choose your company over the competition?

Your online presence, and everything you share on the internet, affects the way your company is perceived by consumers. Your brand identity is a trademark that not only represents your brand, but also conveys your company’s unique personality.

So, what does it take to create a strong brand online? Let’s find out:

1. Make a Long-Lasting Impression With Your Brand Identitysatisfaction guaranteed stamp

As a Fort Lauderdale web design agency, our team believes that your brand identity is the spirit of your company. It’s not just about having an awesome logo. It’s about establishing a concept that is easily understood, and makes a long-lasting impression online and offline.

Whether it’s through your website, your business cards, print collateral, face-to-face or even on social media, it’s important to maintain a strong, professional image to be discoverable by your target audience.


2. Make Your Content Sharable.sharing content

What does content marketing have to do with brand identity? A lot! As we mentioned, the content you share reflects who you are as a business. That’s why it’s important to not only figure out the type of content your audience will find useful enough to share, but also make sure it’s valuable, credible and engaging. People will begin to trust your expertise, and you’ll keep them coming back for more.

As we all know, social media can be a powerful marketing tool for your business. There’s nothing better than seeing your amazing content being shared across social media networks. But in order for that to happen, you have to make people aware of your brand and make them trust the content you share.



gain authority cloud3. Build Your Reputation. Become an Authority.

In a perfect world, everyone would be pleased with the products or services your company offers. In reality, anything can make or break your reputation. As a small business, trying to build your reputation is definitely a challenge because you’re competing against bigger, more established companies in your industry. But, who says your business can’t be just as good (or better) than the other guys?


Here are a few ways you can build your brand reputation:

  • Honesty. Being honest is the most important factor when building your reputation. Don’t offer or promise something you can’t deliver. Any form of dishonesty can really harm the way consumers see your company, and it will only make them doubt your products or services. Integrity goes a long way in this business.
  • Become an authority. In order to build a good reputation, you need to continuously prove that you know what you’re talking about. Becoming an authority in your industry builds trust and encourages people to be loyal to your company.
  • Consistency. It’s important to be consistent with your brand identity in order for people to identify and differentiate your company from the rest. It’s all about repetition. People are more likely to remember your brand if it’s constantly being seen (avoid being annoying though).


Successfully building a stronger brand online doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of trial and error before you can get it right. Your brand has to be unique, easy to understand and memorable. It’s important to understand the value your brand identity has on your company, and how it affects the consumer’s response. Creating a strong brand not only helps you achieve your company’s goals, but can also increase revenue for your business.

Cultura Interactive is an award-winning, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and helps businesses improve their internet marketing strategies to boost conversions.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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