How and When to Successfully Migrate Your eCommerce Store

As any entrepreneur will tell you, growth can be both your enemy and your friend. When times of growth are slow, your business may struggle. However, when growth is fast, it can also be a bit difficult to keep up…

ecommerce replatform

As any entrepreneur will tell you, growth can be both your enemy and your friend. When times of growth are slow, your business may struggle. However, when growth is fast, it can also be a bit difficult to keep up with. Playing catch up can present multiple issues to your business, causing you to spend more time tending to those problems than dealing with your business directly. While you want your business to grow, you also want it to grow in a way you can manage. The type of eCommerce site you use can help with that problem.

Rapid Growth Could Result in Platform Changes

If you start your business on a smaller platform, as most entrepreneurs do, you may notice in a short time that you need to expand to a larger one. This comes along with rapid growth. You still need to meet your business goals, and a larger platform allows you to continue to do that. You may face issues, such as:

  • The inability to carry specific products due to smaller platform limitations.
  • Bandwidth issues that cannot keep up with higher demands.
  • Fewer payment options on smaller platforms.
  • Data caps that get hit prior to month’s end, costing you more or slowing your customer’s ability to get what they need from you.
  • Increasing need for a platform that can handle subscriptions and/or memberships.

One of the better options to consider if you want to upgrade these aspects of your eCommerce store is to add WooCommerce to your website. They offer plugins that can help your website grow, and even offer options such as helping you set up membership and subscription areas of your store for your customers.

You Have eCommerce Platform Options

When you find yourself looking for a larger platform, don’t be fooled into thinking you only have one option to go with. There are several great options out there. As mentioned, WooCommerce is a great option when you want to expand your product offerings to customers and increase what options your customers can tap into. Allow them to pay in a way that makes them feel comfortable, and provide them the ability to view all of your products and services, not just a select few.

Another great option would be Shopify. They allow you to pick the size of package you need, and it can be changed to offer more or less products, depending on if you hit growth or if you hit a speed bump along the way. They work with you and allow you to have the type of shop you would want if you were one of your own customers.

What to Look for in eCommerce Platforms

When you make the decision to re-platform your eCommerce site, it is important that you know what to look for. What you choose is going to depend on your ultimate goals of your website. If you want more functionality, then you want to consider platforms that offer the specific functions your current platform lacks. Here are a few things to consider when looking at eCommerce platforms:

  • The type of products and services you plan to sell
  • The data you currently use and what is likely to be used in the future
  • What payment options you want your customers to have access to
  • If the platform will cater to your mobile customers
  • The functionality of the platform in terms of marketing your business

No matter why you want to select a new platform for your eCommerce site, there is one out there that will help get you specifically what you need. You can add payment options, new products, and increased functionality to your site simply by re-platforming your eCommerce store. To give your customers the best possible experience, consider the platform you have your store on first.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale web design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web designlogo designWordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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