Key Features Putting E-Commerce Personalization at The Top of The Retail Agenda

Due to the wide array of options available to consumers online, retailers are learning that the key to converting visitors into long-term loyal customers is with real-time e-commerce personalization that is AI driven. Customers today are more connected, more demanding,…

Due to the wide array of options available to consumers online, retailers are learning that the key to converting visitors into long-term loyal customers is with real-time e-commerce personalization that is AI driven. Customers today are more connected, more demanding, more informed, and unpredictable. Demand for real-time personalization is at an all-time high among consumers.

With the use of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), intelligent e-commerce personalization platforms have the ability to analyze the behavior of customers, learn their customer’s habits and enable retailers to automatically deliver, personalized recommendations within search results, personalized and promotional banners and on-page recommendations all in real-time.

Reasons E-Commerce Personalization Should Be Main Agenda Point

  • Increases lifetime value and customer loyalty
  • Each customer is provided with a personal and relevant experience
  • Increases average order value and online conversion
  • No intervention required
  • AI automation never sleeps, results are seen from day one
  • AI works with both sparse and huge data sets

A Few Key Features Required for Effective E-Commerce Personalization

Advanced AI Real-Time Recommenders

The AI Engine utilized on intelligent e-commerce personalization platforms profile a visitors current and past behavior to choose the most relevant and appropriate recommender type to show that person. Duplicate content is not shown because the AI optimizes recommendations and is aware of the context in how the recommenders are placed.

  • Recommendations in real-time adapt and evolve with each click of the visitor.
  • Constantly learns and adapts to new user behavior.
  • Not based on website performance, but on the needs and behavior of the individual.
  • Powerful with conversion and increasing order value average.

Enriched Personalized Campaigns

To ensure customers get the full experience, businesses should be allowed to enrich with awareness and promotional banners and recommenders based on the visitors offsite and onsite behavior. Enriched personalized campaign key benefits include:

  • Improved awareness
  • Re-enforced loyalty
  • Higher incentive to purchase
  • Relevant targeted promotions
  • Cross-sell and upsell opportunities based on the visitor predictive likes
  • Spotlight on relevant brands, products, and categories that visitors previously expressed an interest in or searched on

Advanced Campaign Rules

Creating personalized campaigns that are based on what device your visitor is on, where they are located, what time it is, how they found you, and even the weather in their location is extremely effective.

Visitors feel welcomed and no longer like a statistic, bringing with them a high tendency to buy. There is no limit to the number of campaign rules that can be applied and should be tailored to the needs of the retailer’s business.

The Ability to Personalize Any Area of Your Website

The tailored and personalized experience should begin the very moment the visitor lands on your site, regardless where that may be. E-commerce personalization platforms, PureClarity for example, enable retailers to place personalized merchandising areas featuring banner images, carousels, recommenders, or HTML throughout the whole journey on the website including Home Page, Category Pages, Product Pages, and more.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale website design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo designWordPress developmenteCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.


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