What’s New for Mobile Apps in 2016

Over the last couple of years, the use of mobile apps has exploded, allowing smartphone users the convenience of tracking their workouts, shopping, and even ordering their favorite foods right from their device. This new digital world created by mobile…

cross platform mobile apps

Over the last couple of years, the use of mobile apps has exploded, allowing smartphone users the convenience of tracking their workouts, shopping, and even ordering their favorite foods right from their device. This new digital world created by mobile apps and smart devices shows no sign of slowing down, and it can only be expected that in 2016, even more advances will be made. These are some of the top mobile app trends to watch out for in the coming year.

Integration with the Cloudcloud integration

Chances are good that in 2016, another recent technological advance will start to make friends with mobile app development – cloud technology. As the number of mobile devices on the market continues to increase, users are demanding synchronization of apps across their multiple devices.

App developers are turning to the cloud to build the functionality needed to instantaneously and easily sync data across numerous devices.

ad targeting Better Ad Targeting

Businesses are working to improve the way they develop data-driven experiences for customers, so it is expected that ad targeting will also improve on mobile apps this year.

When customers begin using a mobile app, they will usually provide a ton of information regarding their demographics and their preferences, and all of this info can be useful in creating customized ads to make marketing messages more powerful.

Improved Security for Mobile Appsmobile app security

With so much information being stored on devices, it should really come as no surprise that app developers need to focus on improving security. Plus, many consumers are making purchases via mobile apps, and if they know that their information is safe, they will be more likely to continue making these transactions.

Currently, there are very few apps out there that could pass a basic hacking security test, so developers need to take a more serious look at how to deal with security challenges.

mobile videoMobile Video

Video is becoming increasingly dominant on mobile platforms, so business owners are eager to capitalize on this rising trend. A majority of mobile users watch videos from their devices on a daily basis, and apps are the consumers’ top pick for how to view them.

A recent study from IAB stated that 48% of mobile users accessed video content in apps rather than via mobile websites, so businesses and marketing professionals are expected to further capitalize on this trend in 2016.

New Push Notification Strategiesmobile app push notifications

It is expected that improvements will be seen in push notification strategies during 2016. This tool is becoming crucial in both retaining customers and engaging them.

Push notifications are quite frequently how customer interactions via mobile devices begin these days, so businesses should work on creating smart push notification programs that are more personalized and relevant to the individual.


With 2016 well underway, it is clear that mobile apps aren’t going anywhere. Make sure that your business remains competitive in this ever-growing mobile environment by jumping on the bandwagon and taking advantage of some of these anticipated mobile app trends for the year.

Cultura Interactive agency strives to create unique and attractive websites as well as a mobile app business plan for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in web designlogo designWordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.


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