Tips & Tricks for Increasing Traffic with SEO

Increase Traffic With SEO Making use of SEO strategies to increase website visibility, exposure, and visitor traffic is something that many website designers and owners strive to accomplish successfully. Some designers/owners choose to manage their SEO from home, or decide…

Increase Traffic With SEO

Making use of SEO strategies to increase website visibility, exposure, and visitor traffic is something that many website designers and owners strive to accomplish successfully.  Some designers/owners choose to manage their SEO from home, or decide to subcontract.

Whichever method is chosen, the process of optimizing a website’s content for search engines is crucial for a number of reasons.  For instance, one main reason is how well a website will rank on search engine results since placement often has much to do with traffic. If people can’t find a company’s website when they search for certain products or services, they will visit a competitor’s site.

Below are several ways you can increase your website traffic with a few SEO tips and tricks:

  1. Use descriptive phrasing for images in the IMG ALT  tags, rather than just placing the image on your site. Also, make sure to rename the image itself instead of leaving the default name.
  2. Understand that the phrase “content is king” is still a thriving requirement for website success.  Make sure your content is relevant, succinct, and rich in keywords.  Content should also focus on what visitor s expect when visiting your site, meaning that it needs to be engaging and informative.
  3. Use backlinks often (but not too much), and make sure they come from reputable sources or other authority sites, rather than free-for-all directories.
  4. Make social media work for you. Establish a presence on the major social networking sites, and update your social sites often with information relevant to your primary site and business.
  5. Develop a blog and post content that is relevant to your industry.  Make sure you post regularly so the content doesn’t get old; also, link back to your primary website as often as you can to encourage visitors.  Blogs are a great way to establish your company as an authority on a particular topic, so use it to the fullest advantage.

When you are performing optimization on your website to make it search engine and user friendly, never resort to “black hat” tactics.  These are underhanded methods that are scorned among the abundant SEO tips and tricks available, and they generally consist of tricking a search engine into giving your site better ranking.

As a result, this tactic eventually fails and can ban the website entirely from search engine result lists. Optimizing a website is not as complicated as it seems, especially when following the basic guidelines listed above. Moreover, making use of successful SEO tips and tricks will better your chances of increasing visibility and improving the traffic to your website, as well as increasing your odds of higher profits, more customers, and greater longevity with regard to your online marketing strategies.


Successful websites require traffic, and traffic comes from ongoing marketing. CIDD Web Design, located in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, specializes in internet marketing and will help you manage social networks, increase followers, create awareness of your brand, and much more. You can learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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