Does your web design really matter?

We all like to spend time “surfing the net” and seeing what is out there in terms of web sites. Looking through information that is compelling, attractively presented, and encourages to interact at the click of a button is fun….

We all like to spend time “surfing the net” and seeing what is out there in terms of web sites.  Looking through information that is compelling, attractively presented, and encourages to interact at the click of a button is fun.  However, does the design of your web site really matter all that much?  Is it really important? Moreover, when we say web design – what are we talking about exactly?

With the right web design, not only will your business brand look appealing and draw in new customers, but also it will help you lead the pack in your industry.  The home Page is certainly the ‘holy grail’ of search returns and with over 90% of searchers clicking through from that page, having a well-designed site is all the more important.

People often forget that in addition to being eye-catching and containing compelling content, a web site needs a solid structure, which will best support SEO.  When you have a navigation bar that is well presented and easy to use coupled with the right site architecture, your bounce rate will decrease and your conversion rate will definitely improve.  By making your customer’s interaction as inviting and fun as possible, you are sure to get them to the right information about your company.

There are tips and techniques, which a professional web designer can assist you with that you might never have considered for yourself.  For example, you can make your home page a sales landing page or strive to have every page in your site be a sales landing page.  That way you are lessening the number of clicks your potential customer will need to make to find you.  Make it easy for them to access your information!

Another helpful thing to do is to keep your content fresh, entertaining, and inviting.  By giving your customer something of value on your site, you are making sure that they have a clear path back.  One way to do this is to include a menu on every single page.  You may also want to include links within your site to pages that may not be accessed so quickly like – Portfolio – Products – Jobs – About – or Contact.  That way, they know that they can find you and that you will provide useful, purposeful information for them.

Therefore, yes, when you consider all the aspects of web design like its content hierarchy and the actual architecture of your site, web design really, really matters.  Getting more business is all about giving your visitor a clear site structure with valuable information.  That is why consulting with a professional web design firm is such a wise investment for your business.

To learn more about the importance of web design, visit:



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