5 Tips for Finding the Best Web Design Company

Finding a good web design company is essential for growing your business. As a business owner, there is simply not time to learn how to design the most effective website. That is why hiring a professional web designer who can…

Finding a good web design company is essential for growing your business.  As a business owner, there is simply not time to learn how to design the most effective website.  That is why hiring a professional web designer who can create a custom site for your business is such a wise idea.

Here are 5 important tips for finding the best web design company that will grow your business and give you a fabulous ROI:

  1. Using Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, and Meta Tags to enhance SEO – Be sure that any designer you use will be fully utilizing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions.  Each page needs to have a unique title which clearly shows both Google and potential clients what that page is all about.  Use keywords in your Meta descriptions and Meta tags as well.
  2. If your designer says FLASH ONLY – run! – Web sites designed entirely in Flash are no longer anybody’s idea of a good time.  Besides the lengthy time it takes to download an image, flash sites cannot be opened by every user.  Flash sites also may harm any SEO efforts.  There are some Flash elements which work well as part of HTML coded sites and can add appealing elements and style; but if the entire site is Flash – RUN!
  3. That includes FLASH navigation – With Flash navigation, it can be very difficult for search engines to fully access a site and crawl the pages properly.  That is why your design team should stay away from FLASH navigation.  If it is absolutely necessary, then, at the very least, make sure that the designer places text links to each page at the bottom of the site.
  4. Own the Domain – Be sure that, as a business owner, you own your own domain name and know exactly who the host for your site is.  If you ever happen to lose track of the designer down the line, knowing your hosting company and domain name may mean the difference between updating a successful site and losing valuable business.
  5. Content, content, content – Any web designer who tries to talk a business owner into having a site with little content probably won’t be in business too long.  Yes, a web site needs to look appealing, but it should always provide visitors with relevant and well-written content.  This content should be rich with carefully chosen keywords.  Just remember that, first a site should have content written for the end user and second, that content should be crafted for SEO.


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