5 SEO Guidelines For Small Businesses

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the method of helping your business get more exposure, more clients, and more revenue online and even offline. It works by “ranking” your website and other online spaces on a search engine’s…

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the method of helping your business get more exposure, more clients, and more revenue online and even offline. It works by “ranking” your website and other online spaces on a search engine’s search list. The top spot on Google has the most competition, but most businesses aim for the first or second page of search results.

Follow These SEO Guidelines

SEO also happens to be a requirement for any small business looking to grow their online and offline presence. There are all kinds of guidelines to SEO and search engine marketing that any small business owner can find online, but the following are the top five that guarantee successful results.

  1. Always incorporate NAP information. Your “NAP” is going to be your business name, address, and phone number and it needs to be displayed on your website on the front page, on a separate contact page, and any other pages you might have. The best way to do this is putting all the information in the footer of your website.
  2. Get listed in local listing websites. Remember to update or add your small business to local listing websites for free at Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Yelp, Yellowbook and Yellow Pages as part of your search engine marketing strategy. This information will show up on Google and help you secure a top page spot.
  3. Use keywords on your website, online content. SEO relies on keywords and ranking your website accordingly, so it is important to know which keywords you want to add to your website, social media, and online content. Keywords such as “deli in New York” or “red leather handbags” help small businesses get found by potential customers online.
  4. Link out to media outlets. Has your business been in the news lately? This is a great opportunity to link back to the article on your small business blog or website and keep up your SEO rank.
  5. Always encourage positive reviews. Yes, even reviews on websites like Yelp can help your SEO rating and rank. Small businesses need these reviews in order to thrive online, so be sure to encourage current customers to leave positive reviews of your business.

Even small businesses can have a robust SEO and search engine marketing strategy and it doesn’t have to cost you thousands of dollars each month. In fact, most strategies can be found inexpensively through an inbound marketing agency.

Cultura Interactive Web Design offers a variety of services including Internet Marketing for small businesses in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. You can learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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