Top Customer Marketing Trends to Look Out for This Year

When you are a B2B marketer, then you know that your job is never easy. Honestly, it can be one of the most challenging career paths ever with the constant changes and adjustments that have to be made. Keeping up…

online marketing

When you are a B2B marketer, then you know that your job is never easy. Honestly, it can be one of the most challenging career paths ever with the constant changes and adjustments that have to be made. Keeping up with the latest trends is one of your jobs and is something you have to keep up with on a seasonally, and sometimes weekly basis. As a way to help, we are offering some of the best marketing trends we expect to see this year. See if you can work any of these trends into your online marketing plans for 2017.

Getting Testimonials from All of Your Clients

Over 50% of buyers look to the recommendations of their peers before buying, so it is important that you include testimonials on your websites and in your online marketing efforts. Most people get tons of emails and ads that tell them what to buy. These consumers believe that this is little more than noise, so they want to see what others who have used the products have to say about them. Currently, almost 2/3 of companies are using testimonials as part of their marketing efforts, making this one of the top trends to be paying attention to for the upcoming year.

User Groups Are Getting Far More Attention Than in Years Past

Almost half of marketing companies are holding user group events because they want to see what consumers really think. By offering a user group or a small event of real-time responses about what people think of your product, you not only get honest feedback, but you also get attention brought to your product and services. People can learn about your company while also getting a hands-on experience with whatever products you put in front of the group.

Newsletters That People Can Interact With

Instead of using traditional newsletters, many companies are trying new options, including interactive options. Over 40% of companies consistently use newsletters, but the trend is changing this tradition to include something more that consumers can get out of the process. Making the newsletter something that can be clicked on to find out additional information, it gets your name out there and allows them to enjoy an interaction with your company directly.

Letting Advocates Market For You

Most people would define advocacy marketing as a chance for those who like your products and services to do your marketing for your company. This means that your current customers talk about what they have gotten from your company, and explain what they like about it. The more these customers talk about the positives about your eCommerce site and products, the more others are bound to take notice. Nearly 40% of companies are already using this trend, but that number is expected to grow over this next year.

Need Some Guidance With Your Online Marketing Strategy?

Are you going to be able to put any of these trends to work for you? Many of them have some great benefits that come with them. Take the time to listen to what your customers have to say, and see what you can do to creatively get your name and products in front of people who can spread the word.

Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale web design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

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