5 Ways to Determine if Marketing Automation is Right for Your Business

Many marketers spend their days juggling a variety of time-consuming tasks, including lead generation, email marketing, and social media management. When your marketers attempt to handle all of these tasks manually, they will likely feel there just isn’t enough time…

marketing automation

Many marketers spend their days juggling a variety of time-consuming tasks, including lead generation, email marketing, and social media management. When your marketers attempt to handle all of these tasks manually, they will likely feel there just isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done. If this sounds familiar, it may be time for you to consider a system that can handle some of the work for you, and there are several signs that marketing automation is a wise investment.

There is Conflict Between Your Marketing and Sales Departments

Does your marketing department complain that your sales team is ignoring the leads they provide them? Does your sales team insist they are getting too many unqualified or cold leads? If you notice that these two departments are out of sync, marketing automation can be an important tool. When marketing automation ad sales are integrated, you’ll notice improvements with lead scoring and departmental alignment.

Your Business Has a Long Sales Cycle

If your business has a long and complex sales cycle – or customer journey – marketing automation may be a good solution. When your leads are sitting at different stages of the sales cycle, it can be virtually impossible to manually keep track of all of them. By using marketing automation, you’ll be able to seamlessly move leads through each stage of the customer journey based on rules and triggers that you have established in the system. The end result is an improved experience for your customers and greater profits for your business.

You Don’t Understand Your Leads

If you – and your marketing team – don’t feel that you really understand your leads, marketing automation is essential. In order to get the most out of your leads and to convert sales, it is important to know who they are, what they respond to, and what motivates them. Marketing automation can help to create a clear picture of your potential customers and how to effectively reach them.

You Have No Way to Prioritize Leads

If your current marketing plan doesn’t have a way to prioritize the leads that sales should follow up with, you really need to invest in marketing automation. Without any type of lead grading or scoring, it can be almost impossible to gauge how interested prospects are in your company. Your sales team could be wasting its time on a lead that will never convert rather than potential customers that could really benefit from your business.

Potential Customers Are Slipping through the Cracks

If you notice that you have many leads that simply aren’t ready to buy, but are slipping through the cracks, it is important that you do something differently. Marketing automation can help to nurture these leads to the point that they are ready to make a purchase. If you don’t keep your business at the top of their minds, you’ll run the risk of losing them to competitors.

Is Marketing Automation Right for You?

If you find that you agree with any of the above statements or feel they ring true with your business, it is likely time to consider a tool that can automate your marketing. By spending less time on tedious, manual marketing tasks, you’ll be able to put more energy into exciting new marketing initiatives that will attract even more customers.

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