5 Essential Tools Every Internet Marketing Expert Should Be Using

As a business marketer, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of clients, projects, and deadlines that are being thrown your way. However, if you want to grow your business and to get exposure, it is important that…

inbound marketing tools

As a business marketer, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of clients, projects, and deadlines that are being thrown your way. However, if you want to grow your business and to get exposure, it is important that you are taking advantage of every opportunity to promote your company and your brand. Fortunately, in addition to our helpful internet marketing services, there are some great online tools that can make your job easier.

Internet Marketing With Google Analyticsinternet marketing with google analytics

If you are new to the internet marketing world, you may have heard about Google Analytics but might not be familiar with exactly what it is. Google Analytics is a web analytics service that reports and tracks website traffic, and there are several reasons that marketers need to be using this free tool:

Learn out how visitors are finding your website. You’ll be able to see which keywords you are optimizing and the other keywords that visitors type into a search engine in order to find your website.

  • Identify the links and pages your website visitors click on the most. Google Analytics lets you know which pages and links are the most popular, and you can measure whether your search engine optimization campaign is directing traffic to the right pages.
  • Better understand your visitors. Google Analytics can tell you how many new visitors that your SEO campaign brings you, and you can break down the results by referral sources, geography, and returning/new visitors.
  • Fine tune your website. Google Analytics will help you to fine tune your website, allowing you to rewrite any page that isn’t converting well. This can bring you more high-quality visitors.



MailChimp is an email marketing software that will give your business plenty of options for easily designing, saving, and sending email templates to customers and clients.

Using this program is a good way to keep your customers updated on what’s going on with your company, allowing you to generate return business.

By using MailChimp, you can design email newsletters, post and share them via social networking, and track the results.



If you are using Twitter in order to reach out to and connect with your customers, you need to take advantage of TweetDeck.

When you try to run a large Twitter account on your own, you can easily miss Tweets, re-Tweets, and direct messages, but TweetDeck helps to break down this information into more manageable pieces. With TweetDeck, you’ll be able to split up your main feed into group or topic-specific columns to get a broader overview of what your followers are talking about.



Hootsuite is a useful application for managing your social media profiles. This social media management tool will allow you to view multiple streams at the same time to monitor what your customers are saying.

There are several key benefits that you can enjoy by using Hootsuite for your business internet marketing activities:

  • Schedule your social media posts in advance
  • Easily view analytics data
  • Share information easily with the Hootlet bookmark plug-in

Do you think you are getting the most out of your business Facebook page? LikeAlyzer can deliver a helpful report or analysis on your activities, which is extremely important considering that Facebook is always changing. LikeAlyzer will give you feedback and recommendations on your company’s Facebook presence based on metrics like dialogue, information, action, and presence.


Internet marketing for your business doesn’t have to be an expensive or complicated task. By using these and other helpful online tools, you can get your business noticed this year.

Cultura Interactive is an award-winning, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and help businesses improve their internet marketing strategies to boost conversions.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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