4 Tips for Creating a Marketing Automation Plan from Scratch

When used correctly, marketing automation is an amazing business tool that will allow you manage your time efficiently while successfully running complex campaigns. It gives businesses of all sizes the opportunity to connect with each customer in a highly personalized…

marketing automation

When used correctly, marketing automation is an amazing business tool that will allow you manage your time efficiently while successfully running complex campaigns.

It gives businesses of all sizes the opportunity to connect with each customer in a highly personalized manner – something that is almost impossible to do manually. If you are creating a new marketing automation plan, keep these tips in mind.

Get Your Entire Team on Board

Marketing automation isn’t just something that marketers will use – your entire team, including your sales staff, will also benefit from a solid marketing automation plan.

Therefore, you need to make sure that everyone is on the same page for a couple of big reasons. First, you’ll need to identify your top priorities as well as the areas within your sales cycle that need improvement. Secondly, you’ll need support from your sales team to find out how marketing automation could best impact your business revenue.

Create a Workflow Process for Lead Management

When creating your marketing automation plan, it is important that you take time to create a workflow process for lead management and handling. It is crucial that you really understand what type of content your leads will be presented depending on their place within the buying cycle. Consider a few other key pieces of information:

  • How often will leads be contacted?
  • How will leads be scored?
  • When will leads be passed off to the sales department?

Consider Your Content Marketing Strategy

Any good marketing automation plan will consider how it can incorporate your content marketing strategy. Marketing automation will maximize the potential of your content marketing by:

  • Strategically presenting customers with a full content experience consisting of all your videos, blog posts, and social channels
  • Generate leads by offering contextual calls-to-action to your specific audience
  • Scoring and tracing lead behavior within the content experience

Content marketing is a crucial part of your overall marketing plan, and marketing automation will help you to get better results by providing context to your buyer’s journey.

Decide How You Will Measure Your Results

In any marketing automation plan, it is important to have a way to measure the success of your strategy. While your marketing automation plan might be steering the ship, without tools that tells you what is working and what isn’t, you won’t be able to guide it safely toward your business goals.

Activity Metrics

Keeping track of basic activity metrics will give you an idea about whether your team is actually using your marketing automation plan or whether there is some type of barrier that is holding them back. Two of the most important activity metrics are the number of emails sent and quality behavior triggers.

Response Metrics

Once you determine that your team is actually using marketing automation, you’ll need metrics to find out how your customers and leads feel about being on the receiving end. The response metrics that you employ will give an indication as to whether your marketing automation is having an effect on your audience. Important response metrics include:

  • Click-through and open rates
  • Reconversions
  • Site traffic
  • Unsubscribe rate

Value Metrics

The value metrics that you implement will give you an idea of whether your marketing automation is actually impacting your bottom line – that is, are you making money? Some of the important metrics include:

  • Close rate of marketing-sourced leads
  • Return on investment
  • Revenue generated

Considering Marketing Automation for Your Business?

From lead nurturing to campaign and email management, the benefits of marketing automation are widespread. By creating an effective plan, you can take advantage of all of them.

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