8 Easy, Fast and Effective Ways to get the First Sale in 10 Days

After years and months of planning, you’ve now finally set up your first eCommerce store, and you can’t wait to start receiving orders. But you are worried because you don’t know how to compel people to buy from a newly…


After years and months of planning, you’ve now finally set up your first eCommerce store, and you can’t wait to start receiving orders. But you are worried because you don’t know how to compel people to buy from a newly launched store. Well, say bye-bye to your worries because in this blog you’ll be taken through 8 easy, fast and effective ways to get your first sale in just 10 days!!

It is true that, most of the people when starting a new eCommerce store get cold feet regarding their first sales. Because starting on the right track is vital in this ever-growing competition of online stores. Online buyers of today are demanding and thorough. That happens mostly due to the countless options they have on the table — at times it could get extremely tough to keep up with the old and famous eCommerce stores out there. So, in order to get your first sale, you need to put all of your efforts into making effective and creative strategies to encourage people to push the ‘place an order’ button as soon as they open your eCommerce website.

But beware of one thing: In case things go south, don’t start altering your store endlessly. And to make sure you don’t find yourself a victim to those traps, we’ve compiled a list of proven and tested ways to get you your first sale quickly.
So, sit back tight. Relax. And have a look at these 8 incredibly compelling ways to get your first sales.

Getting Your First Sales in Just 10 Days!

Use your personal contacts

When you are looking to get your first sale in a span of just 8 days, it’s important that you begin within your current means. Don’t go for promotions just yet, start from family, friends, classmates, colleagues, etc. Luckily, all of us are blessed with people that are our well-wishers and also extremely supportive of our endeavors. However, this doesn’t mean that you pressure them into purchasing something they will never use. So, if your eCommerce store has some really good quality products, look for something similar that could be of use to your family and friends.

Mouth Marketing

Talking of using personal connections, don’t waste your valuable effort and time on reaching out to them. Instead, ensure that you ask for referrals from them. Tell your family and friends to share the word, share your online store with their friends and family. By doing this, you will be driving a serious amount of traffic from quality referrals. It might come across as a trick, but it’s just the power of mouth marketing.

Make use of the email capture form

Using email to market your product is a significant part of almost every online store. This means that you need to build a strong email list. Start off from your visitors. Capture them the moment they land on your eCommerce website. Due to the fact that every single visitor has a marketing cost, you need to use them as leads. For example, You could offer a flat discount to your visitor, that could be redeemed on their first purchase in exchange for their email address.

Giveaway campaign

‘I don’t want a gift’ – says no guy ever. Giveaway campaigns are generally known and used for driving traffic to the brand’s website. Because a giveaway contest gets your brand famous among the locals. People start talking about it and the brand starts gaining exposure. During the early days of your store, it’s vital to spend some money on such contests because this is what attracts the large crowd. So, if you want your first sale quickly, do a give-away of your products. Not only will this generate massive traffic on your website, but it could also boost your sales.

A shopping spree competition

Up-till now you must have realized the importance of contests and competitions. Well, that happens because competitions are developed to reach a new audience and boost engagement. Apart from doing a giveaway, another captivating way to enhance your brand presence is holding a shopping spree contest. In this contest, a limited span of time is provided to a buyer in which he/she buys all they want. Though keep in mind one thing: Hold this contest inside the first week of the launch.

Sales promo

Due to the fact that it’s extremely easy to purchase stuff online, these stores have become a sort of ideal for impulse buying. Moreover, because of the captivating sales promo and discounts, people feel the urge to buy something even if they don’t want to. They are enticed on a whole new level by different online promotions. And with perfect value positioning and timing, impulse buying is elevated. And one thing that makes impulse buying incredibly effective is the manipulation of time.

If the visitors or potential buyers are given a specific time-frame to take advantage of a deal, their impulse buying is increased and they tend to take the deal. This is surely a trick you don’t want to miss out on.

Time Pressure

A recently concluded study on the influence of time pressure on a customer’s choice showed that when time pressuring elements are absent, the customers tend to do trade-off comparisons. This complexes their decision-making process. They end up taking more time to think, which further delays the buying process. Your checkout procedure must be highly optimized with time pressuring elements so the customer doesn’t waste second thinking. This is an extremely effective strategy if you’re looking to enforce a sense of urgency on your visitors/potential buyers.

Paid Instagram Shout-outs

Instagram has played a major role in the revival and growth of some of the most famous brands. And because it is an extremely targeted visual marketing channel, there’s absolutely no way you should shy away from taking advantage of sponsored product posts. How to do it? It works like this: Find an Instagram user with a huge audience or someone who has a staggering number of followers and pay him/her to feature an image of your product. You could also tell them to put the link to your website in the description. This will generate some serious amount of traffic on your website and would also boost your sales significantly.


Cultura Interactive agency is an award-winning Fort Lauderdale website design studio that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and develop strategic digital online marketing campaigns for our clients.

Our team of professionals specialize in custom WooCommerce development, E-commerce Subscription websites, WooCommerce Membership, E-commerce automation  and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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