5 Tactics to Increase Your Small Business eCommerce Revenue

More people are buying online than ever before, taking advantage of their mobile devices to make purchases on the go. As a small business owner, it is your job to get your brand noticed in order to take advantage of…

ecommerce strategies

More people are buying online than ever before, taking advantage of their mobile devices to make purchases on the go. As a small business owner, it is your job to get your brand noticed in order to take advantage of this ever-growing market. If your goal is to increase the eCommerce revenue for your small business this year, there are a few tactics that can help you to do it.

user friendly web designMake Your Website Easier to Use

One of the best ways to encourage the visitors to your eCommerce site to make a purchase is to create a website that is clear, clean, and well laid-out.

It is imperative that your guests can navigate through your site easily and that it is user-friendly. You should also minimize the total number of clicks that a customer has to make from the home page to the checkout in order to simplify their buying experience.

social media content strategyUse Social Media Wisely

A presence on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter is an important way to gain exposure for your brand and your products. However, having profiles on these sites isn’t enough.

You need to actively engage with your fans and followers by posting unique and interesting content. Special offers, promos, and contests are also helpful in encouraging your social media followers to visit your website and become paying customers.

website maintenanceUpdate Your eCommerce Website Regularly

Creating an eCommerce website for your small business isn’t a victory on its own, at least not if you never touch it again once it goes live. You will need to make regular updates in order to connect with potential new customers.

These updates are also important for improving your search engine rankings, getting your website noticed, and drawing traffic your direction. You should also make sure you aren’t getting frustrated if you don’t see immediate results – it can take months to finally get noticed.

call to actionInstill a Sense of Urgency

It is important to include sales copy on your website that will encourage and inspire your customers to make a purchase right away.

Instilling a sense of urgency with your copy will compel them to buy now, and you can do this by implementing a few strategies:

  • Offer a free bonus for customers who buy within a set time frame
  • Present a limited-time discount or price, and include an offer expatriation date
  • Offer only a limited amount of your products or services
  • Try testing each option out to see which serves as the most effective way to develop a sense of urgency with your customers.


Be Transparenttransparency is good

There is nothing worse than getting to the end of a purchase only to find that you’ve been socked with extra fees and high shipping costs. To keep your customers happy, it is crucial that you are open and honest, especially about delivery prices and costs they might incur. Adding a FAQ page can also be a good way to add transparency while pre-empting customer questions.


Are you unhappy with your eCommerce sales? Make this the year that you do something about it by implementing some of these tactics.

Cultura Interactive is an award-winning, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to create unique and attractive websites, and help businesses improve their internet marketing strategies to boost conversions.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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