Measuring Website Traffic, Audiences and Marketing Campaigns

Creating a website can be exhausting, and after your site has launched, you might be ready to take a break and to focus your energy on your business. Ignoring your website can be a costly mistake, as it is extremely…

website traffic

Creating a website can be exhausting, and after your site has launched, you might be ready to take a break and to focus your energy on your business. Ignoring your website can be a costly mistake, as it is extremely important that you’re tracking the success of your investment by measuring your traffic, audience, and marketing campaigns. By investing in Internet marketing services, you’ll be able to track these areas easily so that you know where to put your energy, time, and money in the future.

data analyticsWebsite Traffic

After all the work you’ve put into your website, you’ll want to know how well it is performing, – right? Fortunately, there are a ton of marketing metrics out there that can help you to measure your website traffic.

Internet marketing services can help you to develop a strategy to monitor your website traffic, and some of these metrics may be studied include:

  • Total visits. Measuring the total number of visits to your website will give you with a bigger picture of how well your marketing campaign is driving traffic. You should expect the total number of visits to your site to increase steadily. New sessions. This metric is found within Google Analytics, and it tells you how many new visitors you have vs. the number of return visitors. This will tell you if your site is encouraging repeat customers.
  • Bounce rate. This metric shows the amount of your visitors that leave your site before clicking onto any links or exploring it further. Total conversions. This is one of the most important measures to determine how profitability your marketing strategy is. You can measure conversions directly on your website or can use Google Analytics in order to track your progress. If you have low conversion numbers, poor offerings or a bad design could be the problems. Audiences

As an Internet marketing rep, you probably know how difficult it can be to accurately measure an audience. It is a lot easier to count TV viewers or newspaper subscribers, as a single computer could have multiple users that can’t be tracked separately. The first step in online audience measurement is to look at analytics, and the most important measures include unique visitors, page views, and visits.

Unique visitors are the most important measurement of these three analytics, but it is also the hardest to identify. A unique visitor can be a new IP address in a home, but that home could have one occupant or six, all of whom could use the same computer. Likewise, a person could use a home computer and then a separate computer at work. The best way to get past these issues is to use site registration and qualitative surveys, and your Internet marketing services can help you to create these metrics.

seo marketing campaign Marketing Campaigns

In many cases, the reason that a website fails has nothing to do with how creative you are and the quality of the items that you are selling. Instead, the failure has to do with the fact that you aren’t monitoring the success of your digital marketing campaign.

Services in Internet marketing can help you to set up your objectives and to use tools like Google Analytics to properly manage your online marketing efforts.


Ready to see just how well your website is working? Contact your Internet marketing professional for help in measuring your traffic, audience, and campaigns to see what changes that you need to make.

Cultura Interactive is a full service, Fort Lauderdale web design agency that strives to not only create unique and attractive websites, but also helps businesses improve their internet marketing strategies in a less-complicated way.

Our team of professionals specialize in web design, logo design, WordPress development, eCommerce, responsive web design, mobile apps, SEO, social media marketing, pay per click advertising and more. Learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.

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