How Web Design Improve Marketing Results

Finding information nowadays is quite a bit different than even 5 or 10 years ago. While this is obvious to most people, many businesses have not yet successfully responded to the challenge. For any type of business owner, your website…

Finding information nowadays is quite a bit different than even 5 or 10 years ago.  While this is obvious to most people, many businesses have not yet successfully responded to the challenge.  For any type of business owner, your website is the main marketing tool.  This means that web design is critical to successful marketing.  Here is how Fort Lauderdale web designers can improve your marketing results.

Consumer consumption of media is changing daily in new and dramatic ways.  Over 41% of media consumption is now done online versus offline.  If you are not spending at least 40% of your business marketing dollars on web based campaigns, then you are falling behind.  In 2010, E-Marketer reported that internet based advertising will surpass newspaper advertising to become THE leading advertising medium used by marketers.

This leads back to how consumers find business services on a local level.  Shoppers do not use the yellow pages anymore; they check the internet to find services.  Research shows that the average consumer visits 5-8 websites and then does an evaluation of the company from that information before even calling them up to ask for quotes.  When customers are searching for your service, are you sure that it shows up on the first page of the popular browsers like Yahoo and Google, or not?

When you are fortunate enough to get a visitor to stay on your site, the site’s job now is to sell your product, goods, or services to that visitor.  Any website visitor is going to immediately compare your company to your competitor’s based on the site alone.  That is why a professional, well-qualified web designer can improve business marketing results.

By using information on conversion rates, site visitations, and which keywords work for your niche market, you will more easily be found.  No novice can entertain these critical questions alone.  By enlisting the services of a professional web designer, you will successfully be able to not only perform the right web analytics, but can use this information to tweak your site in a way that will attract many more online visitors who are looking for your products, goods, or services.

Why not see how professional web design can increase your marketing efforts, by consulting with one?  At Cultura Interactiva Design & Development we are available to provide the right internet marketing tools for your business needs.



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