How to Plan and Choose the Right SEO Keywords for Your Site

  SEO keyword management is a real thing that many business owners tend to overlook, thinking that just randomly picking and using similar keywords will bring in leads. In reality, planning your keywords carefully means a higher ROI and quality…


SEO keyword management is a real thing that many business owners tend to overlook, thinking that just randomly picking and using similar keywords will bring in leads. In reality, planning your keywords carefully means a higher ROI and quality leads that will turn into customers.

Planning and Choosing the Right SEO Keywords

seo planningKeywords are important because they help get your website ranked on search engines and seen by thousands of people who can be converted into customers. But you need to be able to find the best keywords that represent what you do and the services or products you provide.

Here is a step-by-step guide to consider:

  1. What kinds of topics do you want to cover with your website? What types of target audiences are you looking to attract? These two things will be very important in understanding your SEO keywords.
  2. Using a keyword tool, you can determine which keywords are going to be best for your website and content. You can even use the one provided by Google to get an understanding of what keywords are being searched the most and their competition.
  3. Now it’s time to pick the best for your own content and how they can be incorporated into your strategy. Typically it is good to choose five or ten at first and using them in an organic and natural way with your content. “Keyword stuffing” as it is called means using unnatural placements of keywords in order to artificially inflate your search engine rank and Google will knock down your rank if you do this.
  4. Finally the keywords can be used on static pages on your website, in your company blog, and even throughout your social media accounts. Having a library of keywords to work with means a better rank on Google, too.

Being able to plan and choose keywords for your SEO strategy doesn’t have to be difficult when you know how to plan and execute everything properly, especially when it means better success for your website and small business.

seo planning

CulturaWeb Design offers a variety of services including Internet Marketing and SEO for small businesses in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. You can learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview. 

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