Difference Between Branded & Non-Branded Keywords in SEO

Let’s face it: keywords are what the make the Internet go ‘round. There is indeed still an emphasis on quality content, services, and products, but all of these things heavily rely on keyword optimization and SEO. That is why it…

Let’s face it: keywords are what the make the Internet go ‘round. There is indeed still an emphasis on quality content, services, and products, but all of these things heavily rely on keyword optimization and SEO. That is why it is vital to know the difference between branded and non-branded keywords so that you can better help your search marketing and overall sales.



Long tail keywordsThe Power of the Keyword in SEO

When you’re looking to budget for your keyword marketing, there are many things to consider. How many keywords? What kinds of SEO keywords will do best with your target audience? Should they all be long-tail? And most importantly, should you budget for branded or non-branded keywords?

Branded keywords are the keywords that use your company’s name in some capacity. Whether it’s “XYZ Marketing” or “Services of XYZ Company,” these types of branded keywords are almost always organically indexed because you’re already using them in your branded content.

On the other hand, you also have non-branded keywords to consider. These are, obviously, the types of keywords that explain what your business does without your company name being in the keyword. Things such as “e-commerce website designer” or “internet marketing agency” are non-branded keywords that are very vital to you being found by potential customers.

Budgeting Your Keywords

So, should you be budgeting for both branded and non-branded keywords or should more of your marketing dollars go toward a specific type of optimization? It really depends on your research and strategy.

Budgeting keywords

Here are some things to think about:

  • When you’re doing a competitive analysis, is your competition using branded keywords or bidding on potential branded keywords of your company name to index higher on search engines? If so, then allotting some of your budget to branded keywords is needed.
  • If you’re the only one using branded keywords and are already indexing organically because of them, there’s no need to use your budget on branded keywords in SEO.
  • Switching out, tweaking, and otherwise changing the types of non-branded keywords you use is best. That way you can keep up with the search queries being used most often, but that also means using more of your search marketing budget toward non-branded keywords.

Branded or non-branded keywords in SEO? It is all up to your strategy, but remember that any type of keyword optimization is going to give you a boost in the search rank ratings and help your business grow.

budgeting keywords


Cultura Web Design offers a variety of services including Internet Marketing and SEO for small businesses in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. You can learn more about our services or contact us for a personal interview.  

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