AwardDecals, a leading decal provider serving sports and consumer markets, tasked us with revamping their online presence to serve their diverse clientele better. Our aim: create a custom WooCommerce website showcasing their products while enhancing user experience through seamless navigation and personalized customization.

The Challenge

The project presented several unique challenges. Our primary challenge was to develop a highly intuitive customization tool that could handle a wide range of variables and options without compromising on performance or user experience. We also needed to ensure that the website was robust enough to handle large volumes of user-uploaded artwork while maintaining optimal load times and overall site performance. Balancing these technical demands with a visually appealing design required careful planning and execution.

Work Created

  • Customized Workflow
  • e-Commerce
  • Optimized Checkout
  • Web Design
  • Web Programming

Technologies Used

Bringing the Project to Life, a premier provider of top-tier decals catering to both the sports and consumer markets, entrusted us with the task of revamping their online presence to better serve their diverse clientele. Our goal was clear: to craft a digital platform that not only showcases their extensive range of products but also enhances the overall user experience, facilitating seamless navigation and personalized customization options.

Redefining's Virtual Storefront

Starting with a meticulous redesign aimed at capturing the essence of the sports and industry markets. Through a harmonious blend of captivating visuals and intuitive layout, we ensured that every visitor to the website is greeted with a captivating experience from the moment they land on the homepage.

Unparalleled Product Customization

We meticulously engineered a robust system that empowers customers to personalize every aspect of their decals, from selecting team logos and helmet designs to choosing colors and finishes. Furthermore, our seamless integration of an artwork upload feature allows users to effortlessly incorporate their own designs, adding a layer of uniqueness to their creations.

Streamlining the Checkout Experience

One of the focal points of our project was revamping the Checkout page to enhance user experience and boost conversion rates. We meticulously redesigned the flow to be more intuitive, ensuring that customers could easily navigate through the subscription options and complete their purchase hassle-free.

We meticulously engineered a robust system that empowers customers to personalize every aspect of their decals, from selecting team logos and helmet designs to choosing colors and finishes. Furthermore, our seamless integration of an artwork upload feature allows users to effortlessly incorporate their own designs, adding a layer of uniqueness to their creations.

One of the focal points of our project was revamping the Checkout page to enhance user experience and boost conversion rates. We meticulously redesigned the flow to be more intuitive, ensuring that customers could easily navigate through the subscription options and complete their purchase hassle-free.


The impact of our website redesign on’s business has been profound. With the enhanced user experience and intuitive navigation, the website has witnessed a significant increase in customer engagement and conversion rates. Additionally, the robust product customization options have empowered customers to unleash their creativity, leading to a surge in personalized orders and revenue growth for our client.

Mission Accomplished

At Cultura Interactive, we take pride in our ability to marry cutting-edge technology with creative innovation, and our collaboration with is a testament to that ethos. Through strategic planning, meticulous execution, and unwavering dedication to excellence, we’ve succeeded in delivering a digital platform that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our esteemed client and their discerning audience.

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